With an integrated campaign that helped consumers become their best—by becoming less—work by Brigandi and Associates for client Kellogg’s is the recipient of the 2006 PRO Award for the Top Campaign of the Year.
The Special K brand had successfully honed in on message that helped consumers jump start their No. 1 New Year’s Resolution—the Special K Challenge: “Lose six pounds in two weeks.”
With guidance by Brigandi and Associates, Special K extended the relationship beyond the two weeks, establishing a year-long Special K Challenge promotion plan that positioned the brand as a lifestyle resource throughout the year. In Spring, the brand asked “Are You Beach Ready?” with a beach towel and bag self-liquidating premium offer; for Fall, it was “Drop a Jean Size!” with free jeans in an instant-win sweeps; finally, for winter, Special K urged consumers to lose the pounds with a free in mail PUSH personal training DVD.
The results: growth against all SKUs with double-digit franchise growth for the year, exceeding targets for existing products and new launches. (For more background on this winning campaign, see the cover story in the November issue of PROMO.)
Best Multidiscipline Campaign—National
American Wasteland
Clients: Activision, Jeep
Agencies: Entertainment Marketing Partners; BBDO
To reach young males, Jeep launched its new Commander via a hot video game integration and tour with skateboarding icon Tony Hawk. The in-game integration took the SUV into virtual game play, then brought it into the real world via events on the Secret Skatepark Tour circuit.
Best Multidiscipline Campaign—Regional
New York City Heritage Tourism Partnership
Client: The History Channel
Agency: Civic Entertainment Group
Landmarks throughout the Big Apple got a big boost in tourism support via cable network The History Channel. At the core of the program: The Heritage Tourism Center at City Hall Park, opened with fanfare by New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg.
Best Use of Promotional Advertising
The Power of Four
Client: Schick Shaving Products
Agency: Colangelo
Appealing to guys’ inner “hound dog,” the campaign encouraged them (with tongue-firmly-in-cheek) to upgrade their lives via The Program. According to this campaign, even Big Foot can score with the ladies if he shaves properly.
Best Use of Event Marketing—Five or Fewer Venues
Chicago Drive 05 & 06
Client: The Chrysler Group
Agency: The George P. Johnson Co.
Cross the Chicago Auto Show with an amusement park, and you get Chicago Drive. Complete with thrill rides on souped up Jeeps, Dodge trucks and other Chrysler vehicles, this indoor event turned exhibit space into terrain that let drivers put test drives in overdrive.
Best Use of Event Marketing—More than 5 Venues
Thanks A Million
Client: Ricola
Agency: The A Team
Your mother always said good manners matter—and in this multi-city campaign a kind offer of a cough drop to a Mystery Cougher could reward a friendly with a gesture million bucks! In-store and online supported.
Best Vehicle-Based Experiential Campaign
U.S. Army College Tour
Client: U.S. Army
Agency: Relay Sponsorship and Event Marketing
This day-camp experience for potential recruits gave college and high school students a sample of Army training via a decked out truck-as-camp. Visitors could tackle the climbing wall, try the ropes course and take in a Soldiers of the Future display.
Best Cause-Marketing Promotion
Honeywell-NASA’s FMA Live!
Client: Honeywell
Agency: Oasis
How will the next Einstein discover his talents if science class is a bore? A traveling multimedia education concert used live actors, hip hop, videos and interactive demos to engage kids in science. Online resources helped students and teachers continue the learning in the days and weeks that followed. (This campaign was also the recipient of sponsor Yahoo’s Big Idea Chair, presented during the PRO Awards intermission.)
Best Sponsorship or Tie-In Campaign
American Express Global Viewing Event Platform
Client: American Express
Agency: Momentum Worldwide
Activating its World Cup sponsorship, Amex took tennis Open matches from courtside to outdoor venues for current and prospective card members around the world. From the Sydney Opera House to Trafalgar Square to Madison Square Park, it was “service up!”
Best Use of Games, Contests and Sweepstakes
Ted: Chicago’s New Crosstown Classic
Client: United Airlines
Agency: Arc Worldwide
When United Airlines low-fare offshoot Ted debuted at Midway airport, it delighted locals with events tied to the cross-town rivalry between the Cubbies and the White Sox. It took the cross-town theme up a notch with chances to ride in an air shuttle between O’Hare International Airport and Midway.
Most Innovative Communication Strategy
VW Alpha Drivers
Client: Volkswagen
Agency: Arnold Worldwide
Forget “brand ambassadors”—VW leveraged the raving fanatics in love with its cars, tapping them for their insight and buzz, with rewards in return. This was word-of-mouth from A-to-Z!
Best Use of Interactive/Electronic Media and Direct Marketing
The Sopranos: Crime. Organized.
Client: HBO
Agency: Deep Focus
Returning for its sixth season, the show’s fans were able to go online and digitally map “scenes of the crimes” that had become notorious in earlier episodes of The Sopranos via a Google interface.
Best Multicultural or Ethnic Campaign
Bajo la Regadera (In The Shower)
Client: Unilever
Agency: PMG
Dove targeted busy Latina moms with a rejuvenating offer for bath time products during the rare time they have for themselves.
Best Campaign Targeting a Micro Audience
Axe College Ambassadors
Client: Unilever Axe
Agency: GMR Marketing
Grassroots outreach by peers to college males drove home the brand’s “smell good, get girls” message.
Best Campaign Generating Brand Awareness and Trial Recruitment
McDonald’s Fruit & Walnut Salad Launch
Client: McDonald’s
Agency: Arc Worldwide
It was the campaign built one tine at a time. McDonald’s Green Fork drew fruit salad fans and converts as McD touted its new, healthy menu options.
Best Campaign Generating Brand Volume
The Chocolate M-Pire
Client: Masterfoods USA
Agency: Thomas J. Paul
M&M’s leveraged both the light and dark sides of The Force via reworked packaging for M&M candies and in-store signage. It further celebrated the final episode in the Star Wars saga across its integrated media campaign.
Best Short- or Long-Term Brand Loyalty Campaign
Special K Challenge
Client: Kellogg’s
Agency: Brigandi & Associates
Kellogg’s promised women smaller jeans out of its big white box. It delivered that and more, including motivational in-store events, on-pack offers and online support to help them reach their goals.
Best Dealer, Sales Force or Business-to-Business Campaign
The Napster Garage
Client: Napster
Agency: Grand Central Marketing
A funky trade show booth, which harked back to the roots of garage band rock, lured potential partners to Napster’s electronics show space—even though the show was ostensibly a consumer event. (This campaign was also awarded an EMMA earlier this year in the Business-to-Business/Trade Audience category.)
Best Retail or Co-marketing Campaign
Together We Make A Great First Impression
Client: Unilever
Agency: PMG
Snuggle marketers knew that fresh laundry is just one way Hispanic homemakers show their families how much they care. Sampling this fabric softener won over Latinas eager for fresh-smelling clothes.
Best Small-Budget Campaign
Body Glove Fashion Police
Client: Body Glove
Agencies: Hall Event Group, DraftFCB, Golan Harris
High-tech CAN be hip! Breaking into the tech sector with its new headsets, Body Glove met cell phone users on their own terms—and on their own turf as brand ambassadors worked the streets to get commuters to try its new gear.
Best Creative
The Chocolate M-Pire
Clients: Masterfoods USA
Agency: Thomas J. Paul
(see Best Campaign Generating Brand Volume)
Best Idea or Concept
Ted: Chicago’s New Crosstown Classic
Clients: United Airlines
Agency: Arc Worldwide
(see Best Use Games, Contests and Sweepstakes)
For more on the 2006 PRO Award winners, as well as highlights from PROMO Live, be sure to check out the November issue of PROMO.