The former president of e-mail concern Yesmail is launching a Web analytics consultancy, and he plans on building a network of stay-at-home marketing moms to do it.
Ed Henrich left Yesmail, a division of infoUSA, in September. He was named Yesmail’s president when infoUSA bought the e-mail service provider in February 2003.
Henrich’s new venture, Henrich Enterprises Inc., Oakland, CA, will focus on offering Web analytics consulting services. While there are many software packages available to track Web-site activity, most of the companies that offer the software don’t offer enough help interpreting the data, said Henrich.
“The major suppliers, like WebSideStory, WebTrends and Coremetrics have limited professional services staff,” he said. Henrich’s sole client is women’s shoe merchant Nine West, he said.
He chose Web analytics rather than e-mail consulting because e-mail service providers already do a good job of providing reports and consultation, he said.
“There’s not as big a need for third-party expertise in e-mail,” he said.
In an unusual hiring twist, Henrich plans to staff his venture with part-time stay-at-home moms.
He added that since the venture is online, they could also work from home, say, from 9 a.m to 3 p.m. while their children are at school.
“There are a lot of stay-at-home moms out there with 10 or more years of marketing experience who do not want to work 40 hours a week, but would love to work 10 or 20 hours a week,” he said.