Listline e-Newsletter 9/3

–Hampshire Labs Healthy Heart
During the second quarter, 4,217 direct mail-sold individuals bought health supplements.
Selections: Gender, state/SCF/ZIP
Price: $110/M
Contact: Impulse Media Inc., Cara Johnson (203-227-0227 ext. 115; [email protected])

–Hitching Post Supply
In the past 12 months 21,825 direct mail- and online -sourced individuals bought equestrian gear.
Selections: Age, income, demographics, state/SCF/ZIP
Price: $95/M
Contact: Midwest Direct Marketing, (913-686-2220; [email protected])

–Digital Photo
Named here are 172,820 direct mail-sold magazine subscribers.
Selections: Hotlines, third-party blow-in, change of address, gender, gift givers, new to file, paid, renewals, source, state/SCF/ZIP
Price: $125/M
Contact: American List Counsel, Risa Curtis (609-580-2756; [email protected])

–British Columbia Magazine
Reach 62,286 quarterly publication subscribers 96% of whom are direct mail-sold.
Selections: Gender, phone number, age, income, recency, province, source, state/SCF/ZIP
Price: $130/M Canadian ($118.83/M)
Contact: Cornerstone Group of Companies, Lynda Robinson (416-932-9566 ext. 117; [email protected])

–D&B New to the World
Selections: Business/industry type, company size, county, monthly hotline, number of employees, phone number, state/SCF/ZIP
Price: $105/M
Contact: Infinite Media, Jeffrey Hudes (914-949-1547 ext. 125; [email protected])

–Meet the Broker: Kerry Tranfa
By Larry Riggs
Today we meet Kerry Tranfa, sales consultant/broker at Infocus Lists in Warrenton, VA where she’s been since 2005. Click for more

Listline e-Newsletter 9/3

* CWDKids
* VARs and Resellers from Vertmarkets
* Amacai Everyday Lifestyles/Technology Savvy
* America’s Interest Activity Responders
* Addressing the World International Consumer Lifestyle E-mail
* Donors to Cancer Causes
* Options Media Buys 1Touch Marketing
* Checks Unlimited Business Check Buyers


Millard Group Inc. now manages the CWDKids catalog list. It names 136,738 who bought apparel during the last 12 months for infants and children under age 12. The average sale was $120. Specialists Marketing Services Inc. was the previous manager.
Selections: Hotlines, purchase amount ranges, Abacus cross-member name, gender, product, state/SCF/ZIP
Sample usage: Company Store Kids, Mattel, Mindware, Hearthsong, Garnet Hill, Boston Proper, So Others May Eat, Make-a-Wish Foundation, Bliss Out, Cookie Magazine
Price: $115/M
Contact: Millard Group Inc., Linda Thompson (603-924-9262, ext. 2203; [email protected])


VARs and Resellers from Vertmarkets
VentureDirect Worldwide offers a list of 30,063 value-added resellers and systems integrators on behalf of Vertmarkets Inc. The file identifies information technology professionals, particularly those involved with data collection and storage, wireless hardware and software, digital management and radio-frequency identification technology. Data is sourced from a Web site and includes the names of 16,624 subscribers to an e-mail newsletter and 12,951 e-mail addresses. Demographic data is gathered from search inquiries.
Price: $275/M
Contact: VentureDirect Worldwide, Jim Scova (212-655-5186; [email protected])

Amacai Everyday Lifestyles/Technology Savvy
Aggressive List Management offers this list from Amacai Information Corp. which identifies 1.9 million consumers who reportedly are interested in at least one of the following: electronics, video games, video recording, personal computers, photography, stereos and audio equipment. Among the sources are mail order transactions, survey responses, telephone directories and household census data.
Selections: Age, credit card, dwelling type, estimated home value, ethnicity, gender, homeowner/renter, household income, length of residence, mail order buyer, marital status, occupation, presence of children, telephone number, religion, state/SCF/ZIP
Price: $70/M
Contact: Aggressive List Management Inc., Ami Serena (217-787-2029, ext. 203: [email protected])

America’s Interest Activity Responders
RMI Direct Marketing Inc. offers this master file of 7.3 million buyers from the last six months. Behavior and purchasing data is overlaid. Sources include telephone directories, census data, survey responses and credit card data.
Selections: Hotlines, e-mail name/address, change in affluence, catalog buyers, household composition, clubs, hobbies, magazines, book readers, crafts, adult’s/child’s age, gender, ethnicity, homeowner, income, dwelling size/type, presence of child, religion, state/SCF/ZIP
Price: $65/M (last-six-month names)
Contact: RMI Direct Marketing Inc., Siobhan Caragine (203-825-4618; [email protected])

Addressing the World International Consumer Lifestyle E-mail
This master file from Infocore Inc. provides e-mail addresses for consumers in 50 nations. Counts range from 53,207 for Eastern Europe to 2.5 million for Western Europe. Segments for North America and the Far East are available as well. The list is updated daily.
Selections: Lifestyle, interest, job title, company, gender, telephone number
Price: $275/M
Contact: Infocore Inc., Tom Mack Jr. (760-607-2500, ext. 13; [email protected])

Donors to Cancer Causes
Trinity Direct has a list of nearly 15,000 who contributed to various cancer-related causes by direct mail over the last 12 months. Donor names from the past 13 to 24 months also are available. Contributions typically ranged from $15 to $25.
Selections: Gender, enhancements, state/SCF/ZIP
Price: $80/M
Contact: Trinity Direct, Bob Stein (973-283-3600; [email protected])


Options Media Buys 1Touch Marketing
By Jim Emerson
Options Media Group Inc. plans to announce Wednesday morning that it’s acquiring 1Touch Marketing LLC. The deal is expected to close Sept. 30.

Options Media is an e-mail services company. The deal will enable it to offer more than 700 demographic and lifestyle selections for targeted advertising and expanded Internet lead-generation services.

1Touch maintains a database with approximately 142 million consumer names and 19 million business-to-business names. It also has lists marketers can use to place text messages on cell phones.


Checks Unlimited Business Check Buyers
Test and retest mailers receive $10/M off the base price of this file. Nearly 153,000 who made purchases in the last 12 months (through June) are listed. Contact Lake Group Media Inc., Daniel Grubert (914-925-2449; [email protected])