–Hearst Ailment Enhanced Master File
This file names nearly 2.4 million direct mail-sold subscribers.
Selections: Hotlines, age, ailment data, blow-ins, gender, home address, income, paid, presence of children, publication tile, renewals, state/SCF/ZIP
Price: $105/M
Contact: American List Counsel, Raymond Tognella 914-524-5271; [email protected])
–Trailblazers Timeshare Travelers E-Mail
Named here are 1.5 million confirmed opt-in individuals who’ve invested in timeshares.
Selections: Age, credit card buyers, gender, household income, luxury timeshare owners, mail order buyers, presence of children, recency, state/SCF/ZIP
Price: $150/M
Contact: List Bargains, Amy Benicewicz (203-746-6640; [email protected])
–Nursing Conference Attendees
Conferences, seminars and training programs are the source for this file, which names 193,276 medical professionals.
Selections: Age, gender, homeowner, income, marital status, multiple buyers, online purchasers, product, recency, state/SCF/ZIP
Price: $105/M
Contact: Plattform Advertising, Meta Washington (212-655-5184; [email protected])
–Hearthsong Package Insert Program
This program provides 291,068 yearly opportunities to place inserts along with other offers in delivery packages.
Price: $60/M
Contact: Direct Media/Millard, Nancy O’Reilly (203-532-2356; [email protected])
–Cash for Clunkers ICS Self-Reported Automotive Master File
Reach nearly 21 million opt-in individuals who said they- own vehicles with models years between 1995 and 2002.
Selections: Age, demographics, income, make, model, odometer, phone number, title data, vehicle year, state/SCF/ZIP
Price: $115/M
Contact: ICS Marketing Support Services, Steve Willnus (248-200-9935; [email protected])
–Meet the Broker: John Ahern
By Larry Riggs
Today we meet John Ahern, vice president-new business development at Boutique List Services in Stony Point, NY. A 16-year industry veteran, he’s seeing a gradual loosening up of marketing budgets even though there are fewer good response names available now thanks in part to the decline of large continuity clubs. Click for more