Listline e-Newsletter 12/27/07

Posted on by Chief Marketer Staff

* Bonnier Regional Master File
* ACS Student Members
* Men’s Magazine Advertiser’s Best Male Buyers
* EZ Stock Trades
* Tax Preparer Offices
* Advisory Committees to Lead Reorganized DMA Councils
* Design Engineering


Bonnier Regional Master File
Bonnier Corp. has added a 10th master file to its list portfolio. This regional file consists of more than 9.7 million subscribers to various publications. Direct mail and the Internet are the sources.
Selections: Hotlines, adult’s/child’s age/gender, presence/number of children, income, Lifetrait, mail order buyers, donors, religion, ethnicity, state/SCF/ZIP
Price: $100/M
Contact: Lake Group Media Inc., Lenore Cunningham (914-925-2460; [email protected])
Here’s a list of online shoppers who made purchases in various product categories. A total of 132,081 postal addresses and 417,360 e-mail addresses are offered. Counts for 19 product categories are available, such as apparel, food, home entertainment and medical supplies. The average buyer is 45 with a $75,000 income.
Selections: Age, income, product category, state/SCF/ZIP
Price: $100/M (postal file); $150/M (e-mail file)
Contact: Midwest Direct Marketing Inc., Dorothy J. Rusk (913-686-2220; [email protected])

ACS Student Members
The American Chemical Society has released a list of 13,978 student members at home addresses. It includes graduate school students and doctoral degree candidates.
Selections: age, area interest, business type, major, degree, gender, job function, specialty state/SCF/ZIP
Price: $170/M
Contact: VentureDirect Worldwide, Esther Brown (212-655-5196; [email protected])

Men’s Magazine Advertiser’s Best Male Buyers
A healthcare products company has released a list of 350,000 buyers sourced from advertising in 120 different magazines, including automotive, fitness, lifestyle, sports and travel titles. The unit of sale was $150 or higher. Men made 90% of the purchases.
Selections: Age, gender, credit card, quarterly hotline, state/SCF/ZIP
Price: $115/M
Contact: Listdata Management Services Inc., Oney Currithers (845-357-1881; [email protected])

EZ Stock Trades
Consumers who purchased workbooks and CDs to learn about investing are identified on this list of 31,480 buyers from the last 12 months. The unit of sale ranged from $100 to $1,000. The Internet and direct mail are the sources.
Selections: Gender, state/SCF/ZIP
Price: $195/M
Contact: MetaResponse Group Inc., Star Ursillo (954-360-0644, ext. 213; [email protected])

Tax Preparer Offices
The file identifies offices for 11 major tax preparation firms nationwide. The count is 30,065. Sources include directories, public records and the Internet.
Selections: Tax preparer, phone number, state/SCF/ZIP
Price: $335/M
Contact:, Kevin Shtirlitz (203-978-1961 phone/fax; [email protected])


Advisory Committees to Lead Reorganized DMA Councils
By Jim Emerson
(Direct Newsline) The Direct Marketing Association has plans next month to announce a major reorganization of all its special interest councils. Council leaders from 2007 were notified that changes were on the horizon during a meeting earlier this year with DMA staff and by written communications.

One already announced change has caused contention and some members have withheld payment of dues for annual council membership renewals. The dissatisfaction stems from the DMA’s determination to choose who leads councils, instead of allowing councils to self-select leaders through elections, as it has been the practice for years, according to two former council officers.

“Working with the councils, we’ll select the chair and vice chair, says Ken Ebeling, DMA vice president of member loyalty services.

“The DMA councils are run by DMA staff and it’s always been that way. In the past we’ve had operating committees, but we’re switching to strategic advisory committees. When everything comes out in January everything will be organized a whole lot better.” Ebeling says.

Linda Huntoon, executive vice president of consumer list brokerage at Direct Media Inc. and a longtime member of the DMA’s List and Database Council, is concerned that vendors might be relegated to a smaller role in that particular council, which she believes would be misguided because she says vendors serve as a conduit for list and database information for mailers. Huntoon has given years of service to the council as both an operating committee member and officer. She’s been a DMA member for 30 years.

Traditionally, members of the List and Database Council have nominated officers for an operating committee, an election followed and the following year’s council leadership has been determined by November, she says.

The most recent and last chairperson for the List and Database Council, Stefanie Pont says she is also not aware of any new advisory committee being formed to lead the council this year. She owns Pont Media Direct and first joined the council in 1994.

“I frankly don’t know who is running the List and Database Council now. The last time I made an inquiry (the week of Dec. 10) there still wasn’t an advisory committee,” says Pont.

Pont like Huntoon has postponed renewing her council membership. Both say they want to find out how the council will be organized in 2008 before they’ll pay any dues to renew their longtime memberships. Both wondered aloud whether the DMA was having any trouble finding new council leaders who aren’t vendors.


Design Engineering
Rogers Publishing is offering test mailers 10% off the base price of the Design Engineering file until Jan 31, a Canadian magazine with 18,311 subscribers. Contact Cornerstone Group of Companies, Stephen Manson-Hing (416-932-9555, ext. 415; [email protected])


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