Listline e-Newsletter 11/10/05

Posted on by Chief Marketer Staff

* Aberdeen Group Database

* Mystery Shopper Business Opportunity Seekers

* Safety 21 for Supervisors

* Ashro Lifestyle Catalog Buyers Z-24 Enhanced

* Questex Postal and E-mail Master Files

* American Health and Fitness

* Short Cuts

* School Nurses and Health Education Megafile

* Children’s Cancer Research Fund


Aberdeen Group Database

Aberdeen Group Inc. has released a database with 60,927 postal records and 18,919 e-mail addresses. Those listed are subscribers and research information customers. These files are comprised of business and technology executives.
Selections: Number of employees, industry, one per location, sales volume, SIC code, telephone numbers title, Canadian names, province, state/SCF/ZIP
Price: $150/M (postal file); $450/M (e-mail file)
Contact: DM2, Nicole Dalesandro at 800-323-4958, ext. 8339 or [email protected]

Mystery Shopper Business Opportunity Seekers

Nearly 60,000 individuals who paid $100 to $200 to become members of are named on the Mystery Shopper Business Opportunity Seekers file. Postal and telemarketing records are available. These names were generated with space advertising, radio and Internet promotions. Those listed evaluate retail merchants. Seventy percent are women.
Selections: Gender, state/SCF/ZIP
Price: $100/M (postal file); $250/M (e-mail file)
Contact: Impulse Media, Pam Ranalli at 203-825-4652 or [email protected]

Safety 21 for Supervisors

Business 21 Publishing LLC now offers 15,544 e-mail addresses for subscribers to the newsletter Safety 21 for Supervisors. A reciprocal list rental or exchange is required. The list owner must deploy e-mail broadcasts.
Selections: One-per-site (available for 75% of the file), state/SCF/ZIP
Price: $350/M
Contact: Contact:, Phil Dismuties at 800-296-0888 or [email protected] and Amy Zirkle at 703-821-8130 or [email protected]

Ashro Lifestyle Catalog Buyers Z-24 Enhanced

More than 40 product category selects are available on the Ashro Lifestyle Catalog list. A total of 50,540 buyers are available from this African-American women’s apparel cataloger. The newly enhanced file contains Experian demographic data and CircBase subscriber data.
Selections: Product category, hotlines, dollar, size, state/SCF/ZIP
Price: $110/M
Contact: Walter Karl Inc., Maureen Northey at 845-732-7035 or [email protected]

Questex Postal and E-mail Master Files

Questex Media Group Inc. has released merged business-to-business master files comprised of subscribers and event attendees. A total of 941,063 names are offered on the Quest Executive Master File. The Questex E-mail Address Executive Master File contains 305,021 records. Additional segments with former subscribers and telephone numbers are available.
Selections: Number of employees, SIC/NAICS codes, job title, business/home address, buinsess/industry type, gender, state/SCF/ZIP
Price: $110/M (postal file); $410/M (e-mail file)
Contact: Kroll Direct Marketing Inc., Ilene Shwartz at 216-371-1667 or [email protected]

American Health and Fitness

Canusa Group has released the subscriber list of American Health and Fitness magazine. Just shy of 4,000 names are available. Ninety percent of subscribers are men, average age 34. Fifty-five percent of these individuals are single. No telemarketing is allowed.
Selections: Hotlines, gender, paid, source, state/SCF/ZIP
Price: $105/M
Contact: Mal Dunn Associates Inc., Kathy Fontana at 845-278-1342 or [email protected]


Short Cuts

Circulation for the Checks Unlimited loyalty campaign ride-along program will be increased to 2.5 million for the next mailing on March 17, an increase of 250,000 pieces, according to the program manager Stanton Direct Marketing Inc.


School Nurses and Health Education Megafile

A 30% discount is being offered for orders of the School Nurses and Health Education Megafile through Nov. 30. The count is 21,019. Contact MKTG Services, Courtney Barrett at 215-867-4073 or [email protected]

Children’s Cancer Research Fund

Selects are half price for publishing offer tests of the Children’s Cancer Research Fund file. A total of 396,138 donors are available. Contact ALC Data Management, Tom McCulloh at 914-524-5238 or [email protected]


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