Listline e-Newsletter 09/07/06

* Brides to Be
* InsideCounsel
* Looking Good Now
* Law Seminars International-Business Enhanced
* Talbots Enhanced
* Phil Angelides for Governor
* Complete Nurses Who Travel


Brides to Be
Walter Karl Inc. has been appointed to manage the Brides to Be catalog buyers list. It consists of 161,457 last-12-month buyers. Those listed made purchases from catalogs or Web sites offering wedding products. The majority of these women are 21 to 33. The average sale was $170. Aggressive List Management Inc. formerly managed this file under the name Occasions Group Wedding Catalog Buyers.
Selections: Hotlines, wedding date, telephone numbers, product, demographics, lifestyle, dollar amount spent (ranges), state/SCF/ZIP:
Price: $110/M
Contact: Walter Karl Inc., Maureen Northey at 845-732-7035 or [email protected]

Health and fitness enthusiasts are identified on the file. It includes buyers’ names derived from a network of Web sites, such as, and A total 841,418 postal and 803,972 e-mail addresses are available. Eighty-five percent are men, median age 38.
Selections: Recency, interest, age, gender, home/business address, income, state/SCF/ZIP
Price: $100/M (postal or e-mail file)
Contact: Worldata, Jay Schwedelson at 561-393-8200, ext. 176 or [email protected]

Wicks Business Information LLC has introduced postal and e-mail lists of subscribers to InsideCounsel, with 38,222 and 19,046 names, respectively. Roughly one-third of these individuals are women. This publication was formerly known as Corporate Legal Times.
Selections: Gender, job title, annual expenditure, number of attorneys in legal department, state/SCF/ZIP
Price: $140/M (postal file); $300/M (e-mail file)
Contact: Statlistics, Marge Fernbach at 203-778-8700, ext. 136 or [email protected] and Isabel Arvoy at 203-778-8700, ext. 117 or [email protected]

Looking Good Now
American Media Inc. has released a list of 23,579 active subscribers to Looking Good Now, a recently launched magazine that focuses on fitness and nutrition. Three-quarters of subscribers are women. Subscribers’ household income is $51,042. Sixty-four percent are married and 40% have a child under 18. Their median age is 44.
Selections: Quarterly hotline, gender, source, paid, state/SCF/ZIP
Price: $95/M
Contact: Specialists Marketing Services Inc., Amy Lyons at 603-431-2873 or [email protected] and Josh Vincente at 201-865-5800, ext. 2205 or [email protected]

Law Seminars International-Business Enhanced
Dun & Bradstreet data has been overlaid on the Law Seminars International list to create a new enhanced file. In excess of 1.2 million attorneys, planners, executives, engineers and other professionals are on file. Attendees and prospects are included. The unit of sale ranges from $600 to $1,000 for one- and two-day events. Direct mail is the source.
Selections: Hotlines, number of employees, sales volume, SIC code, gender, state/SCF/ZIP
Price: $115/M
Contact: Lake Group Media Inc., Daniel Grubert at 914-925-2449 or [email protected]

Talbots Enhanced
Additional demographic, lifestyle and donor selections are offered on the Talbots Enhanced file. Some 360,000 last-12-month buyers are listed. A typical customer is 33 to 55 with $100,000 average income. The average unit of sale for women’s apparel was $170. The source is direct mail (80%).
Selections: Dollar, hotlines, adult’s/child’s age, child’s gender, lifestyle, interest, product, donors, omit alternative media buyers, omit sales buyers, omit Talbots credit card, product, state/SCF/ZIP
Price: $100/M
Contact: Millard Group Inc., Kelly Russo at 603-924-9262, ext. 2591 or [email protected]

Phil Angelides for Governor
This is a list of 2,312 donors to California’s Democratic Party candidate for governor in November. However, these names are only available for certain reciprocal exchanges. The file was last updated in May. Direct mail is the source.
Selections: Gender, state/SCF/ZIP
Price: (exchange only)
Contact: A.B. Data Direct Marketing Services, Tracy Aiello at 414-540-4903 or [email protected]


Complete Nurses Who Travel
Some 707,700 individuals are named on the Complete Nurses Who Travel file. Telephone numbers are available for 360,927 nurses. Numerous demographic and lifestyle selections are offered under various categories. This file has been assembled from state licensing records and data overlaid from a response list.
Selections: Travel type, license type, telephone numbers, adult’s/child’s age, gender, household income, marital status, number/presence of children, education, occupation, credit cards, dwelling type, homeowner/renter, length of residence, home value, net worth, income producing assets, Prizm, Psycle, ConneXions, niches, religion, ethnicity, lifestyle categories, county size, state/SCF/ZIP
Price: $70/M (base)
Contact: Complete Medical Lists LLC, Tim Burnell at 603-823-8042 or [email protected]