* ‘Passion of the Christ’ Advance Ticket Buyers
* Programmer Language Database From CMP
* BusinessReform.com
* SurplusAlert.com Opportunity Buyers
* Expecting Baby
* Save the Children Canadian Donors
* MKTG Book Buyers
* Sierra Trading Post
* Guitar Magazines
‘Passion of the Christ’ Advance Ticket Buyers
This file names 866,285 moviegoers who paid an average of $25 for advance tickets to see the film “The Passion of the Christ.” Some 146,316 e-mail addresses are available. The sources are direct mail, telemarketing and the Internet.
Selections: Religion, Hispanic, gender, multi-response donors, mail donors, state/SCF/ZIP
Price: $90/M
Contact: Response Unlimited, Scott Faircloth at 540-943-0841 or [email protected]
Programmer Language Database From CMP
CMP Media LLC has a database identifying 423,926 computer programmers by the programming language they use. This data is derived from subscriptions, events and Web sites. It includes names from magazines such as Bank Systems and Technology, Call Center, Digital Video, Gamasutra Game Developer and Transform.
Selections: Number of employees, primary business, job function, sales, operating system, products specified, state/SCF/ZIP
Price: $250/M
Contact: Rubin Response Management Services Inc., Scott Wells at 847-619-9800, ext. 215 or [email protected]
The Business Reform Foundation is offering a list of 23,300 e-mail addresses. This nonprofit organization promotes religious values in the workplace through its magazine Business Reform. Roughly 85% of these individuals are business owners, average age 46, who earn more than $95,000 a year.
Selections: Hotlines, business owners, decision makers, age, gender, education, self-improvement, presence of children
Price: $250/M
Contact: XactMail, Jim Scova at 212-655-5186 or [email protected]
SurplusAlert.com Opportunity Buyers
Forty thousand e-mail addresses are available from SurplusAlert.com. Those named on the file paid $30 for Web site membership, typically to acquire products to resell on other online auction sites. Telephone numbers can be had for nearly 80% of the list.
Selections: Gender, state/SCF/ZIP
Price: $150/M
Contact: Macromark Inc., Bill Ochs at 845-230-6332 or [email protected]
Expecting Baby
Online surveys and registries are the sources for Expecting Baby, a list of 91,340 expectant parents. “Intender data” is available for identifying people who within the next six months reportedly plan to move, buy a home or apply for a mortgage, wish to marry, purchase a vehicle, or start a new job or business. No telemarketing is allowed.
Selections: Due date, age, gender, household income, marital status, presence of children, ethnicity, education, religion, occupation, homeowner, home value, mail order buyer, credit card type, insurance type, automobile type owned, PC owner, cell phone owner, hobbies and activities, intender data, state/SCF/ZIP
Price: $85/M
Contact: ListSolutions, Sandy Ostrander at 732-729-0500, ext. 12 or [email protected]
Save the Children Canadian Donors
Cornerstone Group of Cos. now manages this file of 17,469 who contributed from $10 to $150 (typically between $30 and $40). More than half of those listed live in Ontario. Direct mail is the sole source. This file previously was managed in-house and had been available only for exchanges.
Selections: English, French, gift value, gender, FSA, province
Price: $150/M (Canadian)
Contact: Cornerstone Group of Cos., Melissa Zimmerman at 416-932-9555, ext. 371 or [email protected]
MKTG Book Buyers
MKTG Consumer Book Buyers and MKTG Academic and Professional Book Buyers are the new names for the former CMG cooperative databases. These reconfigured and updated files focus exclusively on direct mail book buyers. Formerly these lists included book buyers, newsletter subscribers, seminar attendees and buyers from trade associations. There are 805,152 customers from the last 24 months on the consumer file. This data comes from Doubleday Select, Edward R. Hamilton and Strand Bookstore, among other booksellers. MKTG Academic and Professional Book Buyers names more than 2.1 million who’ve made a purchase in the last 24 months from publishers such as Oxford University Press, Aspen Publishers, McGraw-Hill and Yale University Press.
Selections: Hotline, age, children’s age range, presence of children, estimated income, ethnicity, multibuyers, subject categories, state/SCF/ZIP
Price: $95/M (last-24-month buyers)
Contact: MKTG Services, Courtney Barrett at 215-867-4073 or [email protected] (brokers); Liz Petersen at 978-661-8054 or [email protected] (mailers)
Sierra Trading Post
Through Sept. 30 Sierra Trading Post Inc. is offering those who order one product select a second one free from its catalog files. More than 1.5 million names are listed. Contact Mokrynskidirect, Tony Troiano at 201-487-8181, ext. 632 or [email protected]
Guitar Magazines
Future plc is offering a $10/M discount on the base price of new tests of its four guitar magazine lists. Counts range from 7,052 to 91,138. Contact Lake Group Media Inc., Belkys Reyes at 914-925-2406 or [email protected]