Listline e-Newsletter 08/10/07

* Consumer Centric List Group
* Telecom and Wireless Trade Magazine Subscribers
* Rice ‘N Shine
* ParadyszMatera to Broker Media Services for Victoria’s Secret
* People in the News
* Introducing Bert DesRosiers of Glaser Direct Inc.
* Psychology Today
* Thompson Cigar
* Clarification


Consumer Centric List Group
More than 80 Consumer Centric postal and e-mail files have been launched, including a master file with 47 million names. Individual list titles offered range from active credit card buyers (16 million) to yoga enthusiasts (156,528). Multiple sources include e-commerce transactions, telemarketing, Web site registration and co-registration, surveys and consumer events records.
Selections: Demographics, lifestyle, age, household income, marital status, gender, automotive, boat owners, books, cell phone users/types, direct mail/coupon users, entertainment, gaming, health and fitness, high-tech, hobbies, investments/investors, Internet service provider, music, pets, political party, residential status/home value, sports, SOHO, travel, state/SCF/ZIP
Price: $95/M to $125/M
Contact: Specialists Marketing Services Inc., Randi Morris (201-865-5800, ext. 2037; [email protected])

Telecom and Wireless Trade Magazine Subscribers
Netline Corp. offers seven new subscriber files sourced from its division. One lists 131,259 subscribers to publications in the telecom and wireless industries, including 25,000 with e-mail addresses. Some of the others target subscribers to healthcare, financial and information technology publications.
Selections: Phone numbers, monthly hotline, job function, number of employees, industry, state/SCF/ZIP
Price: $142/M (postal file); $200/M (e-mail file)
Contact: Walter Karl Midwest, Dorothy Crider at 847-273-5714; [email protected]

Rice ‘N Shine
This file identifies consumers who purchased a rice bran meal replacement product offered in an ITV Direct infomerical. A total of 9,933 buyers are available from the last 12 months. Postal and telemarketing segments are available. The unit of sale ranged from $45 to $135.
Selections: Gender, state/SCF/ZIP
Price: $135/M (postal file); $250/M (telemarketing file)
Contact: Macromark Inc., Cathy Gilmore (845-230-6300, ext. 305; [email protected])


ParadyszMatera to Broker Media Services for Victoria’s Secret
Victoria’s Secret Direct has appointed ParadyszMatera as a non-exclusive media broker for customer acquisition programs. ParadyszMatera will provide list strategy, planning and buying services, as well as research and analysis. Victoria’s Secret mails roughly 390 million catalogs annually. Contact ParadyszMatera, Andrea Timmerman (952-544-5121; [email protected])

People in the News
Tom Mack Jr. has been named vice president of list management at Infocore Inc. Mack has more than 15 years experienced managing lists. He previously worked for Adrea Rubin Management Inc.

Carmen Aponte has joined Lake Group Media Inc. as a customer service representative in the list management division. Aponte was formerly with VentureDirect Worldwide.


Introducing Bert DesRosiers of Glaser Direct Inc.
This week, Meet the Broker features Bert DesRosiers, who gave up semi-retirement and part-time consulting work to embark on a new career brokering data. To learn why Web site co-registration lists and Internet search engines intrigue him, click here (


Psychology Today
A $15/M discount off the base price of the Psychology Today magazine list is being offered for tests placed through Oct. 31. More than 194,000 subscribers are on file. Contact ALC Data Management, Danielle LaSala (914-524-5235: [email protected]

Thompson Cigar
Selections are free for new tests of the Thompson Cigar list until the end of October. Some 195,000 buyers from the last 12 months are available. Contact Direct Media Inc., Matthew Musikar (203-532-2445; [email protected]

Zanitas Inc. has revised the count (15 million) for the Good Buys MO Buyers list. (Direct Listline, Aug. 8).