Listline e-Newsletter 07/11/05

* Woodworker’s Supply

* Frank Cawood & Associates Gardening Book Buyers

* Preval Health Products

* The Tog Shop Blow-In/PIP

* Boston Proper

* Shar Music


Woodworker’s Supply

Names and Addresses Inc. is the new manager of the Woodworker’s Supply file. This list of 116,706 24-month buyers are amateur woodworkers who have purchased items such as machinery and tools. NRL was the previous list manager.
Selections: $100+, $75+, $50+, and $25+ buyers; gender; SCF/State/Zip
Price: $90/M
Contact: NAI, Jeff Dunn at 847-850-1012 or [email protected]


Frank Cawood & Associates Gardening Book Buyers

An 85,000-name list of gardening book buyers is being launched by Frank Cawood & Associates. The average unit of sale was $32. Direct mail and space advertising are the sources.
Selections: Hotlines, multibuyers, source, gender, state/SCF/ZIP
Price: $105/M
Contact: Lake Group Media Inc., Belkys Reyes at 914-925-2406 or [email protected]

Preval Health Products

More than 100,000 purchasers of health and self-improvement products are named on the Preval Health Products file. The average unit of sale for skin creams and other products was $45. Direct response radio and space advertising are the sources.
Selections: Gender, state/SCF/ZIP
Price: $100/M (base)
Contact: Country Marketing Ltd., Alex Dorantes at 315-895-7737 or [email protected]


The Tog Shop Blow-In/PIP

These two new-to-market insert media programs are managed by the Millard Group. The Tog Shop by Appleseed’s offers classic apparel for active, casual and career wear, as well as sleepwear, shoes, and accessories. These consumers have an average age of 55 with an average income of $65,000+. They spend an average of $95 per order. The estimated circulation for the catalog blow-in program for Sept. 2005-June 2006 is 5,355,000; the estimated circulation for the package insert program is 303,979.
Price: $36/M (blow-in); $56/M (PIP)
Contact: Millard Group, Paddy Upton at 603-924-9262, ext. 2385 or [email protected].


Boston Proper

Swimwear buyer selects have become available on the Boston Proper catalog list. These include 85,019 swimwear buyers from the last 12 months, in addition to 3- and 6-month swimwear buyers. The main file has nearly 300,000 buyers from the last 12 months.
Additional Selects: Gender, monetary, average last purchase, size, age, income, presence of children, product, state/SCF/ZIP
Price: $120/M (last-12-month buyers)
Contact: Mokrynskidirect, Allison Larsen at 201-487-8181, ext. 640 or [email protected]


Shar Music

New mailers receive $10/M off the base rate of the Shar Music catalog file. Nearly 100,000 names are available. Contact ALC Data Management, Eric Lignell at 609-580-2950 or [email protected]