Listline e-Newsletter 05/23/05

* MetaBase Business-to-Business

* Lists

* Colorado Outdoor Sports

* Business Process Management

* Time Inc. Men’s Catalog Buyers

* CBR List Portfolio

* Short Cuts

* Lesbian and Gay Lists

* Air and Space Smithsonian

* Canadian Colleges and Universities


MetaBase Business-to-Business

MetaResponse Group Inc. has launched a new MetaBase business-to-business list group consisting of a master file and nine sub-files. “It was time to compliment the MetaBase consumer files with its business-to-business counterpart,” said Jerry Whiteway, president of MetaResponse Group in a prepared statement. The MetBase Business Master File contains 26 million records retrieved from the Internet, direct mail, telephone surveys and public corporate records. This is an audience of business executives with a history of making direct mail or online purchases, purchasing subscriptions and making inquires for products and services. Separately available files include Corporate Cashflow from MetaBase, a list of 151,270 chief financial officers and Executive Suite from MetaBase, a list of 4.6 million high-level management executives. Other files identify human resources managers and directors, information technology professionals and marketing executives, to name a few.
Selections: SIC code, monthly hotline, job function, company size, gender, sales volume, number of employees, ethnicity, telephone numbers, state/SCF/ZIP (master file)
Price: $85/M TO $90/M
Contact: MetaResponse Group Inc., Dorothy Laudano at 954-360-0644, ext. 202 or [email protected] and Raechel Sorge at 954-360-0644, ext. 217 or [email protected] Lists

Publishers Clearinghouse recently introduced several lists derived from the Web site. These include lists of gardeners, golfers, families with children, pet owners, donors and a health and wellness file. The counts range from 115,984 to 866,538. The sources are Internet driven surveys and subscriptions.
Selections: Gender, home address, ailments, child age range, cat/dog owner, hotlines, type of donor, state/SCF/ZIP (depending on the list)
Price: $91/M
Contact: 21st Century Marketing Inc., Linda Chuntz at 631-293-8550, ext. 236 or [email protected]

Colorado Outdoor Sports

A list of members and guests of the hunting, fishing and camping club Colorado Outdoor Sports has been released. The count is 58,110. Seventy-eight percent of these individuals are men. The club, an affiliate of the American Wildlife Association, leases land in Colorado and adjacent states for the exclusive use of its members. Most members are between 45 and 54 with a $50,000 to $75,000 income.
Selections: Gender, age, income, telephone numbers, state/SCF/ZIP
Price: $95/M
Contact: Midwest Direct Marketing Inc., Dorothy J. Rusk at 913-686-2220 or [email protected]

Business Process Management

Business Process Management

Subscribers to various magazines in the information technology field who indicated an interest business resource planning or enterprise resource planning integration have been extracted from the Information and Technology Marketplace Database. The new Business Process Management list contains 54,634 postal records, in addition to 24,272 records with telephone numbers.
Selections: Job title/function, business type, number of employees, product, operating system, Canadian, products purchased/specified, equipment/hardware on-site, network environment/protocal, one per site, state/SCF/ZIP
Price: $205/M (postal records); $250/M (telemarketing records)
Contact: Transcontinental Direct List Services, Patti Niebling at 631-218-0389, ext. 202 or [email protected]

Time Inc. Men’s Catalog Buyers

A master file has been assembled that identifies subscribers of magazines published by Time Inc. who have also made purchases from at least two catalogs within the last 12 months. More than 1.7 million men’s names are available. This file was built using Z-24 data enhancements and product affinity scores. The list has been launched with special pricing through June, including $5/M off the base price.
Selections: Hotlines, dollar amount spent (ranges), product affinity scores,
Price: $80/M (regular base for last-12-month buyers)
Contact: Millard Group Inc., Robin Lyons at 603-924-9262, ext. 2418 or [email protected]


CBR List Portfolio

The names of all 32 lists comprising the CBR list portfolio managed by Aggressive List Management Inc. have been shorten with the elimination of “from ALM” from each individual title. These are compiled records from government sources. The individual files range from the CBR Agricultural and Forestry Database to CBR Women Owned Businesses. Various kinds of business and professionals lists, as well as lists of charitable, cultural, environmental and religious organizations are available, to name a few. The group also includes one e-mail list the CBR E-mail Business Master File. The counts range from 8,359 to more than 30.4 million.
Selections: SIC, sales volume, number of employees, number of workstations, facility square footage, business type, ethnicity, gender, job title/function, state/SCF/ZIP (depending on the file)
Price: $60/M (postal records) $150/M (e-mail records)
Contact: Aggressive List Management Inc., Kim Lampp at 847-304-4030, ext. 208 or [email protected]


Short Cuts

Vente Inc. has added online data card access to its Web site, in addition to other new features including online bid request forms and an enhanced case studies section.


Lesbian and Gay Lists

$10/M discount is being offered on rentals of gay and lesbian lists managed by ALC Data Management through July 31. These files include Bookspan’s Insight Out Club, Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation, Gay and Lesbian Victory Fund, Human Rights Campaign and the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force. Counts range from 13,000 to 191,000. Contact ALC Data Management, Shawn Danitz at 609-580-2758 or [email protected]

Air and Space Smithsonian

A $15/M discount off the base rate is being offered to new test mailers for the Air and Space Smithsonian magazine lists and corresponding enhanced database. The regular file consists of 174,096 active subscribers, while the enhanced database contains 200,663 records. Contact Lake Group Media Inc., Belkys Reyes at 914-925-2406 or [email protected]

Canadian Colleges and Universities

Selection fees will be waived through August 30 on tests of the Canadian Colleges and Universities file. It features segments with 47,547 Canadian professors and 8,255 Canadian medical professors. Contact MKTG Services, Fred Swain at 215-968-5020, ext. 143 or [email protected]