Listline e-Newsletter 05/11/06

Posted on by Chief Marketer Staff

* Paid Membership

* Consumer Insight Health Enthusiasts

* Invitation to Apply Online Responders

* Webwise Business Owners

* Hoodia Diet Supplement Buyers

* Berman Gold Opportunity Buyers

* Epidemiology Specialists Worldwide

* Good Life Travel/Food/Wine

LISTS UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT Paid Membership Inc. has selected MetaResponse Group to manage the Paid Membership postal master file. More than 1 million names are available. These individuals paid $169 on a credit card for a one-year membership to access information, products and services related to dieting. Response Media Management was the prior list manager. Twelve other new-to-market lists for related newsletter subscribers are due for release this month. These titles include subscribers to such titles as Beauty, Daily Horoscope, Get Fit and Worst Foods.
Selections: Diet type, gender, state/SCF/ZIP
Price: $100/M (base)
Contact: MetaResponse Group Inc., Star Ursillo at 954-360-0644, ext. 213 or [email protected] and Kamil Rivera at 954-360-0644, ext. 214 or [email protected]


Consumer Insight Health Enthusiasts

Nearly 12 million records are available on the Consumer Insight Health Enthusiasts list. Web site registrations are the source of this file, which has been enhanced with Experian data. As part of the registration process these individuals provided postal and e-mail addresses and data for lifestyle interest categories, etc.
Selections: Age, gender, income, lifestyle, direct mail responder, mail order buyer, e-mail, telephone numbers, state/SCF/ZIP
Price: $65/M
Contact: Names and Addresses Inc., Jeff Dunn at 847-850-1012 or [email protected]

Invitation to Apply Online Responders

Five million last-12- and 9 million last-24-month names are available on Invitation to Apply Online Responders, a new file in the American Netizen list group. These people responded to online promotions offering coupons in exchange for completing a survey. Data gathered included demographics and preferences for receiving credit card offers. The information comes from a network of Web site registrations, online subscriptions, direct mail surveys, online contests and sweepstakes offers.
Selections: Hotlines, telephone numbers, age, credit card, Nielsen County, state/SCF/ZIP
Price: $150/M (base)
Contact: Lighthouse List Co., Mark Traverso at 800-684-2180, ext. 209 or [email protected]

Webwise Business Owners

Some 1.5 million names have been assembled for the Webwise Business Owners file. Individuals listed spent an average of $70 for supplies via the Internet. This file contains segments identifying magazine subscribers, Internet traders and premium credit card buyers.
Selections: Age range, ethnicity, gender, homeowner, income, length of residence, lifestyle, mail order buyers, telephone numbers, presence of children, teenagers, state/SCF/ZIP
Price: $85/M (base)
Contact: List Connection Inc., Paul Matthews at 954-941-7118 or [email protected] and Ken Wood at 864-962-0761 or [email protected]

Hoodia Diet Supplement Buyers

A total of 149,675 names are listed on the Hoodia Diet Supplement Buyers file. These individuals spent $80 for dietary supplements. The source is point of purchase.
Selections: Monthly hotline, age, gender, income, state/SCF/ZIP
Price: $95/M
Contact: List Experts Inc., Lisa Teele at 727-669-2500 or [email protected]

Berman Gold Opportunity Buyers

Some 95,475 opportunity seekers are identified on the Berman Gold Opportunity Buyers file. Last year these individuals paid an introductory fee and spent an additional $197 to purchase information on how to become a millionaire. First quarter 2006 names are available. Direct response TV is the source.
Selections: Gender, state/SCF/ZIP
Price: $110/M (2005 buyers)
Contact: Macromark Inc., Dave Boyd at 845-230-6300, ext. 327 or [email protected]

Epidemiology Specialists Worldwide

Names of more than 99,000 medical specialists and 3,700 research diagnostics professionals have been assembled for a new list derived from Frankform’s Worldwide Executive and Professional database. Postal, telemarketing and e-mail segments are available on the Epidemiology Specialists Worldwide list. The sources are telemarketing, on-site interviews and other research.
Selections: Job function, income, gender, business/industry, company size, state/SCF/ZIP
Price: $245/M (postal file); $345/M (telemarketing/fax file); $475/M (e-mail file)
Contact: Bethesda List Center Inc., John Rucker at 301-986-1455, ext. 25 or [email protected]

Good Life Travel/Food/Wine

Travelers, food and wine connoisseurs in the United Kingdom are named on the Good Life list. A universe of 38,516 names is available from the last six months. Those listed took weekend trips in the U.K. Direct mail brochures and booking forms are the sources. Sixty-eight percent of these individuals participate in a in paid loyalty shopping program.
Selections: Recency, gender, geography
Price: $167/M (U.S. equivalent)
Contact: J.R. Direct Response International Inc., Tracy Gibson at 604-940-0277, ext. 137 or [email protected]


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