Listline e-Newsletter 02/13/06

* E-mail Buyers

* Healthcare Design Magazine

* IT Defense Magazine E-mail

* Franklin Surveys

* African American Files

* Responsive Hispanics With Buying Power

* Utne Enhanced Subscribers

* Listdata and McCarthy Media Move to New Offices

* Wall Street Journal

NEW LISTS E-mail Buyers

Baby Universe Inc. now offers 175,000 e-mail addresses from for e-mail blasts. These online shoppers spent an average of $130 on products for babies and young children.
Selections: State/SCF/ZIP
Price: $250/M
Contact: Catalyst Direct Marketing, Becky Santaniello at 973-831-4222, ext. 234 or [email protected]

Healthcare Design Magazine

Vendome Group LLC has introduced the Healthcare Design Magazine list with 18,000 subscribers. This publication reaches qualified architects, designers, administrators, facilities managers and others concerned with healthcare buildings.
Selections: Job function, business type, state/SCF/ZIP
Price: $175/M
Contact: Lake Group Media Inc., Daniel Grubert at 914-925-2449 or [email protected]

IT Defense Magazine E-mail

Impire Communications LLC has released an e-mail list of subscribers to IT Defense Magazine. The count is 15,963. This file targets information technology professionals involved with various types of security.
Selections: Number of employees, job function/title, state/SCF/ZIP
Price: $300/M
Contact: Worldata, Jay Schwedelson at 561-393-8200, ext. 176 or [email protected]

Franklin Surveys

The Franklin Surveys file identifies more than 600,000 consumers who participated in online surveys in the last three months, including 221,356 in January. Participants received incentives such as cash, prizes and free product samples.
Selections: Gender, state/SCF
Price: $90/M
Contact: Net60 LLC, Chaim Lazar at 201-833-9003 or [email protected]

African American Files

Several lists of African Americans have come on the market recently. The African American Families that Read Together file identifies 233,407 direct mail book buyers from the last 12 months who spent an average of $50. Dress By Mail African Americans names 293,161 multibuyers from the last 12 months. There are 387,741 buyers on the African American SOHO Business Opportunity database, generated from direct mail and space ads.
Selections: Adult’s/child’s age, hotlines, income, homeowners, presence of children, gender, credit cards, telephone numbers, state/SCF/ZIP
Price: $85/M to $95/M
Contact: List Experts Inc., Lisa Teele at 727-669-2500 or [email protected]

Responsive Hispanics With Buying Power

Some 78,465 consumers are named on the Responsive Hispanics With Buying Power list. Most of these individuals are 30 to 55 with $50,000 to $75,000 incomes. Direct mail and telemarketing are the sources.
Selections: Monthly hotline, gender, state/SCF/ZIP
Price: $90/M
Contact: Carney Direct Marketing Inc., Jim Kellough at 800-240-3349, ext. 316 or [email protected] and Maureen Digan 866-761-5971 or [email protected]


Utne Enhanced Subscribers

The Utne Magazine list has been enhanced to offer many new selections. Utne reprints articles from alternative media publications. Its average subscriber is 44. Direct mail is the source.
New selections: Presence of children, children by age, income, credit cardholders, home value, homes with equity, lifestyle, online access, sports and fitness, health and fitness, pet owners, travelers, traditional values, audio and visual interests, cultural interests
Additional selections: Gender, state/SCF/ZIP
Contact: Direct Communications Corp., Brenda Pond at 802-747-3322 or [email protected]


Listdata and McCarthy Media Move to New Offices

Two list firms recently moved to new offices. Listdata Management Services Inc. relocated to Montebello Park, 75 Montebello Road, Suite 303, Suffern, NY 10901. McCarthy Media Group Inc. has moved to 1500 West Main Street, Suite 310, Sun Prairie, WI 53590. Both company’s phone and fax numbers remain unchanged.


Wall Street Journal

Non-financial mailers who place test orders of the Wall Street Journal list by March 1 will receive selections for half price. More than 1.1 million names are available. Contact ALC Data Management, Bruce Hammer at 914-524-5233 or [email protected]