Listline e-Newsletter 02/07/06

* SmartMoney Lists

* Adirondack Direct

* CustomSelect Mail Order Buyers

* Household Product Direct Response Buyers

* Business Funding Opportunity Seekers

* e360 Consumer Members

* Prefer Network P2

* Harlequin Canada Master File

* Wine, Spirit and Food Enthusiasts


SmartMoney Lists

ALC Data Management was named to oversee the SmartMoney list group. Five files are available, including SmartMoney magazine’s, which identifies 546,542 direct mail-sold subscribers. Separate lists provide names of subscribers at business addresses and female subs. A change-of-address list and a Z-24/ CircBase enhanced database are offered as well. SmartMoney is jointly published by Dow Jones & Co. Inc. and Hearst SM Partnership. Direct Media Inc. was the previous manager.
Selections: Hotlines, gender, paid, source, income, product, state/SCF/ZIP
Price: $140/M
Contact: ALC Data Management, Bruce Hammer at 914-524-5233 or [email protected]


Adirondack Direct

Adirondack Direct’s file has returned to the market. Nearly 50,000 buyers of office and institutional furniture are listed, including 25,384 from the last 12 months. Churches, schools, businesses and government are among the customers. The average unit of sale was $350, generated via direct mail.
Selections: Product, quarterly hotline, business/home address, gender, state/SCF/ZIP
Price: $100/M
Contact: Lake Group Media Inc., Daniel Grubert at 914-925-2449 or [email protected]

CustomSelect Mail Order Buyers

This is a file of more than 3.4 million who responded to catalog or direct mail offers and space ads to make purchases averaging $50. Most paid with credit cards. Telemarketing inquiries will be considered.
Selections: Product categories, monthly hotline, Catholic, age, African American, Hispanic, Spanish speaking, income, gender, state/SCF/ZIP
Price: $85/M
Contact: Estee Marketing Group Inc., Deana Burrett at 914-235-7080, ext. 16 or [email protected]

Household Product Direct Response Buyers

Some 311,120 consumers who bought household products are named on this master file. An average sale ran $50. A typical customer was 32 years old and earned $45,000 a year. The sources are direct response TV, radio and the Internet.
Selections: Monthly hotline, gender, presence of credit card, product type, state/SCF/ZIP
Price: $85/M
Contact: Carney Direct Marketing Inc., Jim Kellough at 800-240-3349, ext. 316 or [email protected] and Maureen Digan 866-761-5971 or [email protected]

Business Funding Opportunity Seekers

More then 240,000 names, including 127,094 generated in January, are on this postal/telemarketing file. Those listed registered on Web sites to receive information about sources of government and venture capital funding. A similar list naming 56,000 paid Web site subscribers also is available.
Selections: Gender, state/SCF/ZIP
Price: $90/M (postal file); $250/M (telemarketing file)
Contact: Macromark Inc., Dave Boyd at 845-230-6300, ext. 327 or [email protected]

e360 Consumer Members

More than 66 million names are offered on the e360 Consumer Members list of individuals who registered at Web sites. Nearly 10 million names are available from the last 12 months. The monthly hotline count exceeds 1 million names. Postal and e-mail addresses, along with interest category data were collected during the registration process. This file has been enhanced with data from Experian.
Selections: Adult’s/child’s age, income, hotlines, lifestyle, product/donor categories state/SCF/ZIP
Price: $70/M
Contact: Names and Addresses Inc., Jeff Dunn at 847-850-1012 or [email protected]


Prefer Network P2

Mokrynskidirect will handle rentals for the Prefer Network P2 cooperative catalog database. Nearly 20 million buyers from the last 12 months are listed. The average order was $98. According to Mokrynskidirect senior vice president Chris Montana, this is the first time these co-op names are being released for non-catalog offers. Inquiries for statistical modeling will be considered. The Preferred Network co-op was formed a few years ago and had been managed directly by the cataloger participants.
Selections: Hotlines, credit card buyers, age 50-plus buyers, dollar amount spent (ranges), adult’s/child’s age, demographic, ethnicity, gender, income, lifestyle, presence of children, state/SCF/ZIP
Price: $105/M (last-12-month buyers)
Contact: Mokrynskidirect, Tony Troiano at 201-487-8181, ext. 632 or [email protected]



Harlequin Canada Master File

A $20/M discount off the base price is available on the Harlequin Canada master file until April 30 for those who haven’t tested the file within the last 24 months. The names of some 71,447 book buyers are listed. Contact Cornerstone Group of Companies, Erin McFadden at 416-932-9555, ext. 371 or [email protected]

Wine, Spirit and Food Enthusiasts

A 30% discount is being offered through Feb. 28 on rentals of the Wine, Spirit and Food Enthusiasts list. The file is derived from the Infobuyers database and names 65,237 customers from the last 12 months. Contact MKTG Services, Courtney Barrett at 215-867-4073 or [email protected]