* FreeERISA.com
* NHD Americans at Work
* Picture Perfect Photo Buffs
* Crafts, Humor and Entertainment
* Seltzer’s Smokehouse Meats
* LivOn Laboratories Health Supplement
* Female Executive Business Alliance
* Donors to Humanitarian Relief and Disaster Funds
ALC Data Management now oversees numerous postal and e-mail files for FreeERISA.com LLC. This firm provides online information to businesses about corporate and public pension plans and other benefit programs covered under the federal Employment Retirement Security Act. The appointment includes the FreeERISA.com postal and e-mail master files, with 187,750 and 178,921 names, respectively. Smaller files identifying financial planning consultants, banking and actuarial professionals, among others, are available. ALC already managed other FreeERISA files; the prior manager for the lists mentioned here was Statistics.
Selections: Number of employees, job title, gender, business/industry type, state/SCF/ZIP
Sample usage: Aspen Publishers Inc., National Underwriter Co., Ibbotson Associates, Institutional Investor
Price: $150/M to $175/M
Contact: ALC Data Management, Pat Bishop at 914-524-5223 or [email protected]
NHD Americans at Work
Nearly 25 million men and women are named on NHD Americans at Work, an occupational file that’s been added to the National Household Database. The sources are direct mail, public records, controlled circulation files and the Internet.
Selections: Occupations, lifestyles, age, contact name, hotlines, dwelling type, state/SCF/ZIP
Price: $85/M
Contact: McCarthy Media Group Inc., Mike McCarthy at 608-837-4343 or [email protected] and Michelle McCarthy at 608-837-4343 or [email protected]
Picture Perfect Photo Buffs
Consumers known to be interested in photography are listed on Picture Perfect Photo Buffs, offering 345,892 names at home addresses. Segments for owners of digital and 35mm cameras, camcorders and both online and traditional photography equipment buyers are available. These men (68%) and women (32%) typically are about 42 years old and earn $60,000 a year. This data is derived from subscriptions, lifestyle surveys and trade directories.
Selections: Hotlines, age, gender, income, telephone numbers state/SCF/ZIP
Price: $90/M
Contact: Byrum & Fleming, Linda Lopez at 800-850-1711 or [email protected] and Basia Raizene at 800-850-1711 or [email protected]
Crafts, Humor and Entertainment
Ampere Media LLC has a master file identifying subscribers to online newsletters related to crafts, humor and entertainment. Some 250,254 actives are named here. The Internet is the source.
Selections: Gender, state/SCF/ZIP
Price: $85/M
Contact: VentureDirect Worldwide, Nancy Liddane at 212-655-5153 or [email protected]
Seltzer’s Smokehouse Meats
Seltzer’s Smokehouse Meats’ customer list contains the names of 11,396 buyers and catalog requesters from the last 12 months. The book specializes in various kinds of bologna.
Selections: Buyers only, gender, state/SCF/ZIP
Price: $100/M
Contact: RMI Direct Marketing Inc., Carol Forbes at 203-825-4634 or [email protected]
LivOn Laboratories Health Supplement
LivOn Laboratories Inc. has released a list of 7,500 buyers of a vitamin C product. These direct mail customers’ average purchase was $68.
Selections: Gender, state/SCF/ZIP
Price: $135/M (base)
Contact: Mail Marketing Inc., Joann O’Rourke at 201-750-3222, ext. 26 or [email protected]
Female Executive Business Alliance
More than 10.4 million women are listed here, including 2.6 million at home address. Among those named are high-level executives and business owners. Nearly 350,000 e-mail addresses are available. Sources include compiled data as well as direct mail and Internet surveys.
Selections: Number of employees, growing business indicator, years in business, new business, industry type, titles, demographic/lifestyle enhancements, telephone numbers, state/SCF/ZIP
Price: $100/M (base)
Contact: Walter Karl Inc., Lori Colantunono at 845-732-7089 or [email protected]
Donors to Humanitarian Relief and Disaster Funds
Some 86,964 who donated to various causes over the last 12 months are named here. Sixty-five percent are women, typically age 50 or older and earning $50,000 or more per year. E-mail addresses are available. No telemarketing is allowed. Direct mail and the Internet are the sources.
Selections: Hotlines, gender, state/SCF/ZIP
Price: $80/M
Contact: Innovative List Marketing Inc., Mariah McLane at 703-487-4484 or [email protected]