List and Database News

Hollister Retail
Teenage apparel retailer Hollister Co. has released its customer list. More than 1.2 million retail buyers from the last 12 months are available. A segment with 178,824 online buyers is also offered. The average order is $75.
Selections: Hotlines, dollar amount spent (ranges), gender, state/SCF/ZIP
Price: $100/M (last-12-month buyers)
Contact: Mokrynskidirect, 201-487-8181

My House Magazine
McGraw-Hill Companies has launched the subscription list from its new title My House Magazine targeting the Mountain States. The count is 15,094. This magazine reaches homeowners, architects, interior designers and contractors primarily in Utah, Wyoming, Montana, Idaho and Colorado. These affluent individuals have incomes in the $250,000 to $400,000 range.
Selections: Gender, business address, age, income, industry function, state/SCF/ZIP
Price: $95/M
Contact: Walter Karl Inc., 845-732-7035

Heritage Outdoor Sports Hunting Club
A list of members and inquirers has become available from the Heritage Sports Hunting Club. A total of 52,497 records are offered. Members pay $700 annually for exclusive hunting, fishing and camping privileges on privately owned land. Roughly 7% of these individuals are women. No telemarketing is allowed.
Selections: Age, gender, one per household, state/SCF/ZIP
Price: $80/M
Contact: Chilcutt Direct Marketing, 405-478-7245

Tuned-in Online Music Community
Subscribers to an online catalog offering downloadable music are found on the Tuned-in Online Music Community list. A total of 265,236 postal and e-mail records from the last 12 months are offered. These music enthusiasts burn CDs, transfer songs to MP3 devices and make copies of downloaded music for personal use. The average sale is $10.
Selections: Age, catalog buyers, ethnicity, religion, marital status, credit card users, new mover, homeowners, recently refinanced, income state/SCF/ZIP
Price: $90/M (postal file); $195/M (e-mail file)
Contact: Aggressive List Management Inc., 847-304-4030