Everything Nautical
This file contains 142,354 direct-mail-sold buyers and inquirers from this catalog.
Selections: $50+ buyers, last-six-months, gender, state/SCF/ZIP/
Price: $95/
Contact: Acme List Management, 847-587-1160
Hispanic Magazine
Here are 37,685 e-mail addresses of subscribers to this English-language monthly. Direct mail is the source.
Selections: Age range, business address, gender, home address, income range, job title, paid, phone number, state/SCF/ZIP/
Price: $125/
Contact: Estee Marketing Group, Inc., 914-235-7080
American Weight Loss Conglomerate
During April, 10,248 individuals bought weight-loss products from space ads.
Selections: Amount purchased, multibuyers, credit card, gender, hotlines, state/SCF/ZIP/
Price: $100/
Contact: Impulse Media, 203-825-4652
U.S. Toy Carnival Catalog
Within the past 12 months, 74,200 direct-mail-sold individuals have bought from this catalog.
Selections: Amount purchased, state/SCF/ZIP/
Price: $85/
Contact: D-J Associates, 203-431-8777