[Editor’s Note: For brands with existing thought leadership programs, LinkedIn newsletters provide a simple way to engage and activate your audience on the social platform while reinforcing your expertise. CM sister pub PRNEWS chats with Tayler Felix, Senior Social Media Manager at Workday, about the channel’s best practices. Below is an excerpt; read the full article here.]
PRNEWS: How should brands decide if a LinkedIn newsletter is a good route for them?
Tayler Felix: If your brand has an existing thought leadership platform and the capacity to develop and maintain a LinkedIn newsletter, then you should definitely consider creating one! Since 100% of your existing audience will receive a notification upon launch, along with push, in-app, and email notifications for each new publication, it’s low-hanging fruit to engage and activate your existing audience and reinforce your thought leadership within the industry.
PRNEWS: What are the benefits of a LinkedIn newsletter over regular brand newsletters to audiences?
Felix: One great advantage of a LinkedIn newsletter is that it’s delivered directly to your existing LinkedIn audience, rather than something you need to grow organically. On average, LinkedIn newsletters also see higher open rates than traditional e-newsletters (40-50%, compared to 20% on average). Additionally, you have the option to promote your LinkedIn newsletter through boosted posts or thought leader ads across LinkedIn, providing an extra layer of customization based on who you’d like to target for your subscriber base.
PRNEWS: Give us a sample of an idea for a recurring content feature in a LinkedIn newsletter.
Felix: Your overall theme will largely depend on your thought leadership platform and the industry you’re in. Some interesting themes I’ve seen focus on AI, sales strategies and leadership/management tips. My recommendation is to first identify the theme of your thought leadership platform and the goal of your newsletter, then use real-time insights from social listening to guide its development. This approach will keep your content fresh, intriguing and reinforce your position as a thought leader by providing value to your audience.
To read the full piece, head to PRNEWS.