Letters to the Editor

EDITOR’S NOTE: Readers who have sent submissions to the “Let’s get more U.S. agencies into the Caples” contest mentioned in the current column and have NOT received an acknowledgement from me are urged to re-send the entry — e-mail continues to be wonky, especially for anything sent from a Yahoo, AOL or MSN account. (Yeah, it’s been a fun week, communications-wise). And for those who haven’t submitted yet, a copy of the genuinely lovely Caples program awaits a handful of winners. Please e-mail entries to [email protected] by 5:00 pm Eastern on Friday, March 23.

[Re: Loose Cannon: Neither Snow Nor Rain Nor Heat Nor The Galactic Empire…, Direct Newsline, March 19, 2007 (http://directmag.com/loosecannon/loose-cannon-rain-snow-heat-galactic-empire-031907/)

After reading your Loose Cannon on Monday, I was excited to spot a rare R2D2 mailbox in downtown D.C. the other day. Now, if you examine the attached photo, you’ll see a bolt and other hardware (and an unusual amount of what appears to be paint dust) on the sidewalk at the base of one of the mailbox “legs”: Clearly a sign of tampering!

Just goes to show that Loose Cannon is right again!

Rachel Hunt
DPR Group, Inc.
Germantown, MD