Letters to the Editor

[Re: Loose Cannon: Count Off: A Candid Look At A Dozen Loyalty Schemes, Direct Newsline, Monday June 11, 2007 (http://directmag.com/loosecannon/loose-cannon-candid-dozen-loyalty-schemes-061107/)]:

Yes, Duane Reade is a pain. It always seems as if I’m 39 cents away from the BIG PAYOFF when I miss the deadline. (And a $5.00 coupon is like butta to a Jewish Princess.)

What I wonder is, why should there even be a deadline? What difference does it make if I spend 50 bucks in Duane Reade over the course of three months or three years? I guess they think that people will hustle it up if they know their five-dollar coupon is at stake. Mercy!

But you know whose rewards program really pisses me off? Staples! They constantly lose my points, or they don’t register correctly, or the idjit who works for them doesn’t know how the thing works, so they ask me if I’d “mind” going to their website to … you know. YES, I mind!

Bonnie Messina
Assistant Principal, English
Benjamin Cardozo High School
Bayside, NY

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Great writing as always