Letters to the Editor

[Re: Loose Cannon: A Tale of Very Snail Mail, Direct Newsline, August 6, 2007]

My sister is Kitty.

She is 58 and has two children. Above all, she descends from a Scottish line of two Catharines who used the name Kitty for their entire lives.

Besides my sister, my favorite Kitty was of the Carlisle variety.

Ralph Drybrough
White Plains, NY

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My house was built in 1972; we became the fourth owners in 1998. And we still got direct mail and even debt collection statements addressed to the original owners … in 2006.

I am sure we aren’t the only ones.

Just think of it as a service the direct mail industry provides to the world: Connection with the past.

We have forgotten how, in the ‘old days’, people were given nicknames.

My dad was Riley and called Bert among civilians and Chips on board ship (even though it was a metal ship, that was the title for damage control).

My grandfather was called Red, because of the color of his hair.

My first scientific mentor (in early 70’s and he was from the south) would call me Bertie.

Think of the names for the early generals in our history. They were tagged with names that described their methods.

– Zach Taylor – Rough and Ready Taylor
– Gen. US Grant was known as Uncle Sam.

And Native Americans would start with one name then it would be changed to reflect a great accomplishment in their life.

And the list goes on.

Miriam Bertram
Dir. Nat. Marketing
The Mail Group
Lafayette IN