Letters to the Editor

Re: Texas Letter

Remember when Florida “shot itself in the foot” over telemarketing years ago, and the DMA pulled our show? Florida learned, we came back and were treated well. Miami was certainly an easier show to “navigate” than Dallas. Let Texas limp along without us, and help Florida whose economic picture is bleak since the horror of Sept. 11.

Marti Berkowitz
Luna III Direct
Sarasota Florida

I read your coverage of the letter from John Greytok, Special Assistant A.G. in Texas to list brokers. I’ve spoken with Greytok and sent him two letters about his letter.

Greytok sent his letter to out-of-state brokers who could not even be prosecuted under Texas law because Texas would not have jurisdiction over these brokers. They lack the sufficient minimum contacts required under due process. In essence Greytok may be tortiously interfering with business relationships, and violating constitutional rights under color of state law, which could make him personally liable under 42 U.S.C. 1983.

Mark Fitzgibbons
General Counsel
American Target Advertising Inc.
Manassas, VA

RE: Comment from Mr. Berns in Chicago: While I agree that the article needed to come out on Greytok, I agree with Mr. Berns that reference to a “jihad” in any other situation is totally inappropriate