Letters to the Editor

Re: Live from Boston: Flag Waving for Pride and Profit (DIRECT Newsline, Feb. 1)

Your publication quoted a statement from Bill LaPierre referring to I-Behavior’s E-mail Recovery Program created for clients in response to the Sept. 11 attacks.

Mr. LaPierre suggests that our program was the equivalent of “hearse chasing.” We are a co-operative database company, and as a co-op, when our clients’ business suffers, our business suffers. So to the extent we have something to gain by our clients recovering some of their lost business at the peak of their mailing season, I admit we’re not totally without self-interest. But what we hoped to gain was certainly not cash.

Mr. LaPierre’s unfortunate choice of words clearly implies that we were looking to profit from the terrorist attacks. The fact is, at $25/M, we offered the service at a price that just covered our partner’s processing center and related out-of-pocket charges, and we offered our own labor and processing for free. As a start-up company without the vast resources of our competitors, that’s a big commitment. Our intention was to help our clients and to earn their good will.

Not one of our clients voiced an issue on the offer appearing to be opportunistic–and many profited from the service to re-contact high-potential prospects and customers at a price they couldn’t get anywhere else.

Mr. LaPierre has an interesting double standard. Red white and blue bikinis and flag-draped layouts are his idea of the American way. But helping your customers mitigate the effects of terrorism is “hearse chasing.” Go figure.

I’m sure that consumers know opportunistic marketing when they see it and react accordingly. And I’m confident that the readers of this publication know a cheap shot when they see one, too.

Lynn Wunderman
President and CEO
Harrison, NY

Re: Loose Cannon: Where Have All the Data Gone (DIRECT Newsline, Feb. 4)

I know just how you feel, Richard! If I take the time to give my personal data, it’s because I WANT to hear from the recipient. Thanks for giving voice to my complaint!

Jan L. Davis
Executive Vice President
TransUnion LLC