Letters to the Editor

(RE: “Loose Cannon: Amazon Promotes Segway as Cross-Sale Opportunities Slide Away,” DIRECT Newsline, Monday, Nov, 25, 2002)

I just wanted to thank you for the free chuckle that I got from reading your article.

I had worked at Amazon.com’s North Dakota call center for about two years before moving to a different state for more money at another company. (We tease that North Dakota is “The United States Mexico” because of the low pay and high living expenses.)

I still have some friends that I am in regular contact with in North Dakota, and from all the short-sighted decisions that I experienced during my employment and the ones that my old co-workers still tell me about, this is a drop in the bucket. We were always amazed that a company with such little vision and that was prone to making such bad business decisions could actually stay afloat…

Ah well, as the nation’s average I.Q. drops every year, Amazon.com is more and more delighted at the abundance of individuals available for hiring in their marketing department.

Andy L.

Stevens Point

Facility Supervisor