Letters to the Editor

I laughed at all of your resolutions for the New Year [Loose Cannon: Wistful Resolutions for 2003, Dec. 30, 2002]. And, of course, I realize it’s foolish to criticize ideas written to amuse.

But (you could see that BUT coming, couldn’t you?), I’m still concerned about the government’s Total Information Awareness program.

Two reasons:

(1) If the data were perfect, the power to use those data to restrict our freedoms would be immense.

(2) But since the data aren’t perfect (as you point out), the power to use inaccurate data to punish innocent people is immense.

Either way, I had a lot of trouble laughing at that item in your list. But it still was a good list, and it did make me laugh. Thanks!

Bill Hoelzel
Market Research Analyst
The Hartford Courant
Hartford, CT