Letters to the Editor

Re: Court Restricts Junk Faxes (Letters to the Editor, Direct Newsline, March 25)

I feel a compelling need to respond to Fred Hahn’s letter in particular and to a number of articles published in Direct Newsline in general.

First of all I have to admit I am not a direct marketer, I work for a printer and follow the direct marketing business as a result. Second I am a consumer with a mailbox, telephone, e-mail and fax as well as need for information to satisfy my consumption needs.

That said – I do not need “Hot stock tips”,”Enlargement”,”Free Sexy Pics” or “$29 Florida Vacation Packages.” I am wise enough to understand that DM is not the ultimate purveyors of these products only a tool to inform consumers. But as long as some DMers continue to use their knowledge of information dissemination to flood consumers with unwanted information there will be discontent that leads to regulation.

I also understand the few bad apple concept and that 99% of direct marketers work within the bounds of consumer respect and privacy. The problem lies in the blight that the bad apples represent. Until DMers refuse to sell lists to the bad apples, stop the transfer of knowledge and technology to bad apples and use their collective might to sauce the bad apples, regulation is the general publics only recourse. Physician heal thyself.

Matt Johansen

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I really am curious as to how [the junk fax] issue will be decided. There really is a case to be made on each side, sad as that is.

Years ago I worked in a small business where the owner would call every sender of an unsolicited fax to complain and demand that he be taken off their list. The same man, a salesman, would berate any foolish salesman to open his door and make a cold call.

I wonder how all of this will end. Sad because as Fred Hahn pointed out, “… we are a capitalist economy dependent…on communicating….”

John Galavan
Seattle Publishing, Inc.
Gutenberg Publishing System