Letters to the Editor

[Re: Bogus E-mail Scam Uses Citibank Logo, Direct Newsline, August 19, 2003]

I was disturbed to see that you included a person’s e-mail address in the story. While I understand you may want to alert readers to be on the lookout for e-mail from this address as spam, it could be that s/he is just some poor sucker whose account was hijacked.

I have had my own Yahoo! account hijacked a couple of times by spammers and found out only when messages to defunct e-mails would bounce back to me. When I contacted Yahoo!, they informed me that hackers/spammers will sometimes forge their headers so that it looks like someone else sent the message — and that there was nothing they or I could do about it. I would hate for some “vigilante” e-mailers to deluge [email protected] with hate mail because he was victimized by spammers.

Bill Franke
Client Manager
The Marketing Forum
New York, NY