Letters to the Editor

[Re: Loose Cannon: Marketers Should See Green No Matter Who Wears White, Direct Newsline, Feb. 23, 2004]

Mr. Levey … congrats on your “Loose Cannon” editorial highlighting the unrealized value of marketing to same-sex couples.

As you so aptly stated, it is time, for all businesses (and politicians, alike) to recognize that the color “lavender” is a natural phenomenon/occurrence and can not be discarded/hidden on the premise of ignorance and/or discrimination.

What sane business-person can really afford to ignore the statistical profile: Above-average disposable income. High propensity to buy fashion and home related products. Highly educated. Seeking recognition. Loyal to those businesses that are sensitive to perceived needs.

Roger Martin, principal
MRC Retail Concepts
West Hollywood, CA

P.S. Pickle Dishes and Pickle Forks are best left to hang from the Trees in Brooklyn .. as most recipients would not have a clue as to how/where to recycle a gift of such allegorical proportions.