Letters to the Editor

[Re: Loose Cannon: Slouching to Divadom, Direct Magazine, Direct Newsline, March 22, 2004]:

Darn – So many candidates ahead of me – I was hoping to be unanimously crowned. Does using color-coordinated staples and paperclips to identify clients by revenue qualify?

I continue to enjoy my morning chuckle, courtesy of you.

Stefanie Pont
Managing Partner
Pont Media Direct
Norwalk, CT

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[Re: Loose Cannon: Bad CRM from the CIA, Direct Newsline, Monday, March 29, 2004]:

Once again you are right on, and to be applauded for your ability to put something in print that will get read and thought about — not just dismissed as “another lecture”! Unfortunately, it’s true that many of our colleagues take marketing to an extreme because they can, and not because they should.

Technology is developing quickly in many fields, and so often, those who are good at it (which leaves me out totally) can think of truly “bleeding edge” applications. Unfortunately, some of those applications are damaging to our image in the minds of the consumer.

I’m convinced that many of the “wrongs” we see in direct marketing fall into that category. It’s time for us all to take a step back and ask ourselves if some of our capabilities should be sidelined for careful evaluation in order to make the prospect comfortable with our marketing techniques. This isn’t as much fun or very exciting, but necessary to our continued growth and success, I’m afraid.

Linda Huntoon
Executive Vice President
Direct Media Inc.
Greenwich, CT

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Rachel, the restaurant owner, is described as being in her twenties, so she probably doesn