Letters to the Editor

Re: Direct Hit: Use Celebrity Endorsements, May 20

I thought your tribute to Tony Randall was simple and fitting. To be called a gentleman (old school or new) should be prized. Too often, it is not.

Any short trip on today’s roads will show you that.

Al Stanton
Stanton Direct Marketing, Inc.

I couldn’t help but add my almost encounter with Tony Randall in the late 80’s at a Washington DC museum—he was looking like Felix —dapper and really into the art. One of the guards there told me was a regular. Just a nice encounter with a great man!

Susan Keel
For several years I was the Chairman of Echo and the speech you may be talking about was the year we had Tony Randall as the Echo celebrity presenter.

Randall had them rolling in the aisles and still gave a wonderful presentation and meaning of the importance of measurable advertising and the greatness of direct response advertising and marketing.

During the brief time I had with Tony Randall during rehearsal and the Committee Cocktail Party before the Echo Presentation and at the Winners party after he was so gracious and warm and friendly. At the winners party, he circulated the tables and visited with the winners and congratulated them.

I believe that the DMA has that whole Echo and Randall’s presentation on Video Tape. It’s worth revisiting.

Ronald T. Perrella
Direct Response Specialists
Laguna Niguel, CA