Letters to the Editor

[Re: Loose Cannon: High Hopes for Low Season, Direct Newsline, May 16, 2005]:

I think I have a better idea. Why don’t we make this the Direct Marketing Challenge season? Let’s throw away our usual crutches and use this time to get in touch with our client’s prospects and commune with the products we are supposed to be selling. We could discover their real unique selling propositions, or benefits of those products and form real offers that prospects cannot resist.

I mean really, do we need a holiday to make chocolate covered macaroons, or a luscious cannoli or a sweet honey-dripping piece of baklava more desirable? Don’t the health benefits and the wondrous arrays of flavors of the teas available provide plenty of real benefits around which we can create an offer that isn’t tied to a season celebration.

If we use this annual season to practice the real arts of direct marketing – just think how well we’ll be able to do when we have the added advantage of a holiday tie-in.

Albert Saxon
Saxon Marketing
Indian Orchard, MA

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I wonder how many of your readers will get that hidden reference in your column on inventing a new mid-summer holiday. After discarding the idea of a holiday for left-handed people, you go on to say ” Relax, sinister readers…”

If I recall my high school Latin correctly, sinister means “of the left side”. It was once believed that left-handedness was caused by the devil, giving the English adjective sinister its evil slant.

Well, that’s enough for today’s etymology lesson. But you are a very sly (not sinister) puss.

Lauretta Harris
Write Communications Inc.
Scarsdale, NY