Letters to the Editor

[Re: Loose Cannon: Because They Can, Direct Newsline, Monday, Sept. 19, 2005]:

“Because they can…” is a great, great piece. The best of it is it allows our politicians to continue getting financial support from outside the country as well.

Since us “Fellow Americans” will be paying for the war, for Katrina and for a potentially new guilt driven welfare state, politicians will have to scramble for campaign dollars. With increased revenue from your newly suggested telemarketing opportunity, our leaders will be able to keep their campaign income stream in tact.

They can do it by selling the newly created telemarketing jobs to overseas “entities” where the real American earning power will soon reside.

God bless us one and all. We are going to need it.

Albert Saxon
Indian Orchard Mills
Indian Orchard, MA

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Richard, your politico telemarketing column made my Monday.

Kay Cavender
Corporate communications manager

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Now, a good advertising message might get me to listen to those pesky calls.

Even better would be some handy hints such as “I’m Joe Blowhard reminding you when painting around windows to put a little olive or other oil on the glass near the edge. The paint won’t stick. Also, vote for the helpful candidate – me.”

Love your mind.

Shirley Stevens
Stevens-Slovak Direct
New York City

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“You are probableh wondahing why a prominent Massachusetts Senatah such as myself is pitching student drivah lessons. Well, there’s a funny story…”


Richard, you are truly my favorite iconoclast. No cow, or bull, is sacred.

Lauretta Harris
Write Communication Inc.
Scarsdale, NY