I am appalled at the self-righteous, attacking, personal tone that Ken Magill took toward Keri Smith and Jeff Pitcher in his column (Don’t Get Him Started, March).
What an ignorant writer. I can’t believe such a poor piece of journalism would get that far.
Christine Scott
Clinical Art Therapist
Santa Barbara, CA
I have just read Ken Magill’s March column and wish to complain.
If Mr. Magill wished to open up an intelligent discussion about the use of ads in blogging, then he has failed. Instead we got a nasty, personal attack against two people who have done nothing more than to literally put their money where their mouths are (rather than accepting advertising money on their blogs) and stand up for their principles.
I believe it is right to question the way that advertising seems to interfere with more and more aspects of daily life, certainly with some of the more insidious methods used. (Recently in the United Kingdom we had a campaign aimed at children, via their mobile phones, with the notion of keeping it