Letters to the Editor

Re: Loose Cannon: The Simple Art of Merge/Purge (A Sam Chaid Mystery), Direct Newsline, Oct. 23, 2006 (directmag.com/loosecannon/loose-cannon-art-merge-purge-sam-chaid-102306/)

Sam Chaid was a fascinating story as he wrestled with so many different (and very troublesome) problems that list brokers and managers face. I was hoping you’d visit Fisherman’s Wharf in San Francisco, but Edsel Fong’s place was obviously just as good.

I especially note Edsel’s devotion to CRM. He’s obviously the Bay area’s most successful manager of “negative customer relations” and proves it can really work. Brush off the customers with disclaimers before they can complain.

Fred Morath
Fred Morath Direct Marketing
Natick, MA