Letters to the Editor

Re: Loose Cannon: Why Can’t The Airlines — And DM — Get Smart?, Direct Newsline, December 11, 2006 (directmag.com/loosecannon/airlines_dm_smart/)]

Your article has to set a fire under the butts of every Libertarian out there in “Fear of Universal ID-land”. I can see the virtue in “Smart Cards” and the benefits to consumers and businesses, at least corporate giant types.

Ma and pa businesses will just have to suffer the indignities of seeing the corporate giants gain still another advantage over them. Smart Cards are a great idea for those businesses with money to spend on upgrades and new software and databases, oh my! Maybe if we could convince taxpayers to fund every small business with the funds they will need to match the new smart card needs.

Of course, you know the criminal world will catch up within a few days or weeks and then where would we be? It’s almost enough to convince people of the virtues of ludite-ism. I think I will hold off on voicing my own opinion until the dust settles and then say, “I told you so!”

Albert Saxon,
Saxon Marketing
Springfield, MA.

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Your description of the joys of boarding an aircraft should make your readers eager to jump at the chance to go high-tech with the a smart ID card with fingerprint and eye color data!

Fred Morath
Fred Morath Direct Marketing
Natick, MA

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Do you remember the old movies of the 1940s with the near-psychotic Gestapo agent asking, “Let me see your papers?”

We all laughed … we never thought anything that ridiculous could happen in this country.

Today, the government has all the papers and the “protectors of the homeland” (didn’t that used to be fatherland) don’t even have to ask.

J.F. (Jim) Straw
Phlander Company
Dalton, GA