Letters to the Editor

[Re: Loose Cannon: You Is Honored to Accept This Award, Direct Newsline, Dec. 18, 2006, directmag.com/loosecannon/loose-cannon-you-honored-accept-award-121806/]

We have just been selected for the International Rogues Gallery. Some good guys have slipped through the cracks.

Imagine, the executives, the editorial staff, and the other decision makers involved in choosing Person of the Year lost in the annual struggle to make a choice that should matter. They have chosen badly so often that why shouldn’t “You” be chosen.

You has been elevated to join the ranks of the criminal minds and mass murderers and brutal dictators of the world. Why not? You continue to buy the magazine and validate their bad choices. Choices that have included Ayatullah Komeini, Krushchev, Stalin and Hitler to name a few. Do you feel honored?

Chosen by Time is not an honor. It is generally a cop-out choice. Someone chosen when someone truly evil is not available. Makes you wonder why George W. has made it twice. Time is the last group we should look to for guidance on who should be honored. It’s possibly a poor choice for reading material.

Albert Saxon
Saxon Marketing,
Springfield, MA

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A very interesting column today; I am so benighted that I had not yet heard Time’s news until I received your article.

I do think it’s a sad, changing time in our world, when we coouldn’t find a single person outstanding enough to get the title, who was either free from controversy or not in the slammer.

Also, this reminds me of the school elections where they don’t want to offend anybody so they elect two co-chairs to be Senior Class president.

Fred Morath
Fred Morath Direct Marketing
Natick, MA