Kentucky lawmakers, assured that a national telemarketing do-not-call list would not supercede state efforts, plan to create their own do-not call list.
At the same time they are also considering legislation that would ban unsolicited commercial e-mails and faxes to Kentuckians from out-of-state marketers.
Testifying before the state Senate’s Judiciary Committee, Eileen Harrington, the FTC’s associate director for marketing practices, said states would still be free to maintain their own do-not-call programs irrespective of any national program the agency creates.
Harrington reminded lawmakers that states with their own do-not-call programs would still be able to prosecute and obtain injunctions against errant telemarketers in federal court under the FTC Telephone Sales Rules.
Also on Wednesday the House labor and industry committee unanimously endorsed HB-466, requiring the senders of unsolicited faxes and commercial e-mails to provide recipients with a toll-free telephone number and or a return e-mail address they could call or write to with to requests to stop receiving additional unsolicited communications.
Violators would face civil, but not criminal penalties of up to $2,500.