Kellogg Canada Steps Up Government Tie-in

Kellogg Canada this month puts 800,000 pedometers in boxes of Special K cereal as part of a tie-in with the government.

Specially marked boxes
feature government tie-in

The Step Counter Commitment campaign encourages consumers to participate in a research effort by the Canadian Institutes of Health Research. The research, dubbed Canada on the Move, will track how additional walking improves participants’ health. Kellogg asks consumers to wear their Special K pedometer for four days to find their average daily distance, then add 2,000 steps per day-then “donate” those steps online to be included in the Institutes’ research.

TV, p.r., in-store merchandising and a mail-in offer on secondary brands (Vive, Just Right, Muslix, Vector and Corn Flakes) supports. Onyx Marketing Group, North York, and J. Walter Thompson, Toronto, handle the promotion and ad support, respectively.