I can’t help but disagree with Tom Collins’ assessment that The Omni Group’s ad doesn’t target anyone, or keep anyone from turning the page to the next ad that captures their attention more profoundly (The Makeover Maven, May 15). But I submit these comments as an admitted novice in the field.
First and foremost, my gut-level reaction as a potential consumer of this software is that the original ad makes me want to read the copy, whereas the makeover version, frankly, makes too many demands. I don’t want to read a page of copy for software that, for the most part, needs to be experienced before I can understand how it might affect the way I work. And perhaps that was the point of the original.
Reading a page of copy is complicating, demanding and unsatisfying. A quick, scannable ad, on the other hand, is simple, straightforward and uncomplicated. Just the way I want my software to be.
As a consumer, if I need to read a page of copy as my introduction to a software product, I don’t want it. I won’t read it, and I’ll move right along.
I would also argue that the ad does, in fact, call out to its target. As the copy reflects, I take notes, I make lists, I plan events. It made me think,