According to a stack of data about connected devices from Nielsen, iPad owners are receptive to ads, and are more likely than owners of other connected devices to make a purchase after viewing an ad.
The report, titled “The Increasingly Connected Consumer: Connected Devices,” found that early technology adopters favor tablet computers. Overall, 25 percent of households own smartphones, followed by 21 percent that own portable game players, 16 percent that own portable media players, 8 percent that own netbooks, 6 percent that own e-book readers and 4 percent that own tablet computers.
For owners who identify themselves as “early adopters,” 48 percent say they own tablet computers, followed by 37 percent who own portable game players, 35 percent who own portable media players, 35 percent who own e-book readers, 30 percent who own smartphones and 26 percent who own netbooks. Nielsen also found that tablet owners own an average of six connected devices.
Apple iPad users skew younger (63 percent under the age of 35) and male (65 percent). Meanwhile, Kindle users also skew younger (47 percent under the age of 35) and male (52 percent). According to the report, Kindle users are slightly wealthier and better educated than iPad users.
More than nine out of 10 iPad owners have downloaded an app. Of those who downloaded paid apps, 62 percent downloaded games, followed by 54 percent for books, 50 percent for music, 45 percent for shopping, 45 percent for news and headlines, 44 percent for celebrity and entertainment news, and 42 percent for location and direction apps.
Fifty-nine percent of all connected-device owners said they are OK with advertising if it means they can access content for free; 57 percent of iPad owners said the same.
Meanwhile, 44 percent of all connected-device owners said they do not particularly enjoy viewing ads but don’t mind seeing them either; 48 percent of iPad owners said the same.
Nearly a half of iPad owners said they are more likely to look at ads if they have an interesting video, compared to 40 percent of iPhone owners and 39 percent of all connected-device owners.
Forty-six percent of iPad owners said they enjoy ads that have interactive features, 40 percent said they are more likely to click on ads that are simple text ads, 39 percent said ads are new and interesting, and 37 percent said they like to see what ads can do on their device. In each of these categories, iPad owners displayed significantly higher receptivity than other connected-device owners.
Nielsen also found that noticeably more iPad owners were likely to make purchases on the Internet via PC, at a store, over the telephone or through their connected device than other connected-device owners were.