Postmaster General William J. Henderson called yesterday for compromise in hearings on H.R. 22, the Postal Modernization Act of 1999.
In prepared remarks before the House Subcommittee on the Postal Service, chaired by Rep. John McHugh (R-NY), Henderson said, “The diversity of interests involved in postal issues makes it impossible to get the perfect outcome from any of our perspectives. But our common stake in this system bonds us together in the need to make progress.”
He added, “Before we abandon a ratemaking system that is getting the bills paid, in order to try something more challenging, let’s make the new structure as fair and as realistic as we can.”
Henderson cited the USPS’ support for basic reform elements in H.R. 22, including dividing postal services into competitive and non-competitive entities, strengthening the role of the Postal Regulatory Commission, establishing a price cap to boost performance and provide price predictability and having transparency in the costs of competitive services to respond to market conditions.