Harte-Hanks Inc., San Antonio, TX, has elected Larry Franklin chairman and chief executive and Richard M. Hochhauser president and COO. Previously, Franklin served as president and CEO, and Hochhauser served as executive VP and COO. Houston H. Harte, who has served as chairman of the board since 1972, was elected vice chairman.
Other board members elected were Dick Wai-Cheong Man, president of Harte-Hanks Data Technologies, and Gary Skidmore, president of Harte-Hanks Response Management, both of whom were elected corporate VPs; Federico Ortiz, who was elected VP, Tax, and Jessica M. Huff, who was elected controller and chief accounting officer.
Harte-Hanks owns and operates an international direct marketing company that provides a full range of specialized, coordinated and integrated direct marketing services including response management, database marketing and marketing services.