Online sales of Hard Goods have returned to levels seen prior to Sept. 11 of $588 million, although online dollar sales of Travel Services remain at 17% below pre-attack levels, according to Reston, VA-based comScore Networks.
According to comScore, the continued reduction in travel sales reflects a substantial decline in the number of airline trips booked as well as the dampening effect of price reductions offered by airlines.
During the week ending Oct. 21, total domestic e-commerce sales totaled approximately $929 million, or 7% below the average week observed during a benchmark period calculated over the five months preceding September.
While essential product categories such as Apparel and Health & Beauty Care fell by 27% during the week of the attacks, their sales quickly rebounded to levels even higher than those seen before Sept. 11th.
In contrast, sales of discretionary categories such as Consumer Electronics, Books and Event Tickets which had declined a comparable 24% during the week of the attacks have returned to normal sales levels only in the most recent week.