Google Leads Search in U.K.

According to the latest figures released by comScore qSearch 2.0, Google leads the U.K. search market by a wide margin. The list includes the likes of eBay, Facebook, Bebo, and Amazon.

During the month of April, Google Sites conquered 74.2% of all search queries in the U.K., a 0.2 point decline from March’s 74.4%. eBay followed far behind with 6.0%, a 0.3 point improvement upon its 5.7% share in March.

Yahoo! Sites held onto its third place spot with 4.3% of all U.K. searches, a 0.1 point decline from March’s 4.4%. Microsoft Sites remained at fourth with 3.4% of searches, followed by Ask Network with 2.7%. (1.8%), AOL LLC (1.6%), Rightmove Sites (0.8%), (0.7%), and Amazon Sites (0.7%) rounded out the top 10.

In total, there were 4.1 billion queries conducted in the U.K. during April, which led all European countries. There were also 31.2 million Web users in the U.K. that conducted at least one search during the month, with each user conducting an average of 130 searches during April.
