Garden Botanika Has Top-Executive Shakeup

Garden Botanika, Inc., Redmond, WA, has made a number of changes to its board of directors and senior management. Michael Luce will step aside as president and CEO, but will remain as a member of the board of directors. Luce, who founded the company and has held its top post since 1989, will be succeeded by Arlee Jensen, Garden Botanika’s senior VP for marketing.

Jensen will serve as acting president and CEO until a permanent successor is named. She and CFO George Newman will also join the board of directors. They will be replacing directors Jeffrey Brotman and Dale Vogel, who have resigned their positions on the board.

The company has also retained the investment banking firm of McDonald Investments, Inc., as its financial advisor to assist in the consideration of strategic alternatives.

Garden Botanika markets botanically based cosmetic and personal care products through its stores and catalog.