Former Pepsi Exec Takes Senior Marketing Post at ESPN

ESPN has named Katie Lacey as senior VP-marketing, effective Dec. 5. Lacey had been with the Pepsi-Cola Co. for nine years, most recently as VP-carbonated soft drinks.

Lacey replaces Lee Ann Daley, executive VP-marketing, who left to spend more time with her children. She remains as a consultant, according to a company spokesperson.

In her new role, Lacey will be responsible for all marketing efforts for ESPN, including management of the ESPN and ABC Sports brands. Lacey will oversee all brand extensions, encompassing television, publishing, radio, the Internet, mobile and consumer products and outdoor ads. She will also lead the company’s synergy efforts, which include project management for ESPN-branded business activities supported by The Walt Disney Co., including the ESPN Zones, ESPN said.

Lacey will be based in New York and report to Sean Bratches, executive VP-sales and marketing.

In addition to her responsibilities as VP-carbonated soft drinks at Pepsi, Lacey started the sports marketing division there and negotiated partnerships with multiple properties and athletes, ESPN said.