Extra 3PM Snackdown Challenge

Best Sponsorship or Tie-In Campaign

Extra 3PM Snackdown Challenge
Agency: Ryan Partnership
Client: Wrigley’s Extra Gum

Wrigley’s Extra® sugar-free gum was looking for a way to leverage the findings of sponsored research revealing that chewing Extra helped reduce snack cravings. Additional research revealed that mid-afternoon was a time when the calorie-conscious woman was likely to give in to snacking so the agency launched “Extra 3PM Snackdown,” positioning Extra as a viable tool for weight management with the message that something as simple as chewing gum can help you snack less.

The campaign was supported with a sponsorship of the NBC show, The Biggest Loser, with celebrity trainer Bob Harper as the campaign spokesperson. Through content integrated into episodes, Harper coached show contestants (and viewers) to chew Extra instead of high-calorie snacks as an effective way to manage weight. In addition, Harper was featured as the face of The Extra 3pm Snackdown Challenge Instant Win Game delivered on 107 million packages.

An in-pack code drove consumers online for a chance to win several prizes, including the grand prize – a trip to the Biggest Loser Resort at Fitness Ridge, Utah, including training with Harper. Banner advertising promoted the campaign’s website extra3pmsnackdown.com. Other program support included PR, online banners, satellite radio, social media and retail merchandising.

The Extra 3PM Snackdown generated $5.5 million in incremental sales – a 220% increase versus the same time period in 2009, and the highest dollar share for the brand in almost two years.

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