Ex-NH GOP Chair Sentenced Over Phone Jamming

The former executive director of the New Hampshire Republican Party was sentenced to seven months in prison for jamming Democratic telephone lines during the 2002 election, according to wire service reports.

Chuck McGee pleaded guilty to federal charges of conspiring to make anonymous calls with the intent to annoy or harass. He was also fined $2,000 and ordered to perform 200 hours of community service. In February, Allen Raymond, the former president of GOP Marketplace, a Virginia telemarketing service involved in the jamming, was sentenced to five months in jail, fined $15,600 and ordered to perform 200 hours of community service (Direct Newsline, Feb. 5). The judge apparently believed this was an appropriate penalty for trying to suppress the Democratic voter turnout in the hotly contested senatorial race between then-Gov. Jeanne Shaheen and then-Rep. John Sununu, which Sununu won.