Eric Mower Buys PriceMcNabb

Promo shop Eric Mower & Associates bought boutique shop PriceMcNabb to form a full-service agency with six offices and revenues of $155 million.

Eric Mower & Associates was drawn by PriceMcNabb’s “excellent reputation in branding, retail and TV advertising, business-to-business communications and public relations,” CEO Eric Mower said. That complements Eric Mower & Associates’ expertise in business-to-business marketing, promotion and p.r.

PriceMcNabb President-CEO Tom Eppes becomes a senior partner; PriceMcNabb’s Charlotte, NC, headquarters becomes Eric Mower & Associates/PriceMcNabb and keeps its current management.

Syracuse, NY-based Eric Mower & Associates ranked No. 46 in the PROMO 100 with 2003 net revenues of $18.8 million. PriceMcNabb didn’t participate in the ranking.