DNC List Bill Wins First Approval In NJ As NC Lawmakers Weigh Similar Action

New Jersey and North Carolina could join the growing list of states maintaining a telemarketing do-not-call list.

On Thursday, the New Jersey General Assembly in a 74-3 vote, approved a bill authorizing the creation of a telemarketing do-not-call list. Senate action on the measure, sponsored by Democrat Assemblywoman Linda Greenstein, is expected by the end of the month. If it approves the bill and Democrat Gov. James McGreevey signs it into law, the measure would go into effect immediately.

A week earlier similar bills were introduced in the North Carolina House State Senate and House of Representatives by Democrat Senator T. LaFontaine Odom and Democrat Rep. Philip Baddour.

Adoption of the measures by lawmakers in both states would raise the number of states operating their own telemarketing do-not-call lists to 31.

Although the New Jersey bill would put the state Division of Consumer Affairs in charge of maintaining the list, the North Carolina measure would assign that duty to the attorney general’s office.

But while the North Carolina bills